The default Geronimo configuration includes both the Jetty and Tomcat web containers predeployed and started by default.

Therefore, it would follow (when dealing with a web application that is not dependent upon any specific web container) that the web app would either: 1) upon a single deployment be capable of running in either a single, all, or any combination of containers. If this is the case then I expect that the container would somehow be specified when starting the application or the application would be started concurrently on all active containers (hence a runtime choice of container). 2) require the specification of a container(s) in the deploy command. The web app could then be deployed multiple times (once to each web container). The individually deployed applications could then be started independently on each container.

However, it appears that there is no mechanism to reference a specific container from either the deploy command or the start command.

How is the user supposed to interpret this? What behavior should the user expect when deploying and starting web applications that have no need for a container specific plan and hence include no geronimo deployment plan? To which container(s) are they deployed? Is the choice of the container a deployment decision (deploy command) or a run-time decision (start/stop command)?


Joe Bohn

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." -- Jim Elliot

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