It's a singleton. It's not in JNDI.

I understand how you are using JNDI. I am glad you stick to the spec.

As far as providing a proxy through JNDI I can't imagine that it would be too hard:

new InitialContext().lookup("geronimo:/gbeans/<blah>");

What am I missing here?

David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

11/24/2005 11:11 AM
Please respond to user

        Subject:        Re: Enlisting XAResource objects

On Nov 24, 2005, at 10:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >I was going to mention that :-).  You still haven't told me how your  
>  >(presumably j2ee) application finds the part of the RM to talk to.  
>  >This could be an important part of the picture :-).
> Applications invoke our own user-transaction-like class, which keeps
> track of the change set. So when that happens, if I can find the  
> transaction
> manager then I can call getTransaction.enlistResource(XAResource).

How does the application get the instance of your class?  Or is it a  
static method call?  There isn't really any way to bind anything not  
specified in the j2ee spec into the geronimo java:comp/env jndi  
namespace.  We've thought about providing a way to get a proxy to any  
gbean from jndi but it isn't very clear how to fit this into the j2ee  
> It looks like any gbean can use the kernel (or some other object, I
> can't remember) to invoke any method on any other gbean, so I can do
> that too. Although I am going to write a gbean to emulate a startup
> class so I can also use a reference.
>  Thanks a lot for the detailed description of how to write a  
> recoverable
> resource manager. I just realized that since my cache has no persistent
> state independent of the db, so I don't need recovery.
> If I did want to get list under the "ResourceManagers" collection I  
> would
> have to change the j2ee-server plan, whereas I would prefer to use an  
> official
> plan. However, you could add a line in a future release for RMs which  
> are
> not JCA-based:
> <references name="ResourceManagers">
> <pattern><gbean-name>geronimo.server:
> j2eeType=JCAManagedConnectionFactory,*</gbean-name></pattern>    
> <pattern><gbean-name>geronimo.server:j2eeType=ActivationSpec,*</gbean-
> name></pattern>
>         <pattern><gbean-name> <!-- pattern for other third-party RMs   > --> </gbean-name></pattern>
>  </references>

We might add the ability to override reference patterns in the  
config.xml.  I was thinking you could lie and give your gbean a  
j2eeType=JCAManagedConnectionFactory :-)

david jencks

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