
I've updated a little over half the existing content of my book to
reflect the 1.0 release:

 - About Geronimo
 - Acquiring & Quick Start
 - Elements of Geronimo
 - Database configuration
 - Security configuration
 - Development & deployment overview
 - Web Application WARs

You are of course welcome to read and refer to the book, and any
feedback you have on the content in there would be great.  :)

The rest of the completed chapters are still at M4:

 - Installing Geronimo
 - JMS Configuration
 - EJBs
 - J2EE Connectors
 - EARs

I'll be working through those over the next couple weeks, and I'll
send another note as I wrap them up.  And, of course, the remaining
chapters that are not present or completed at all.  :)

Thanks & enjoy,


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