I have been attempting to port a J2EE 1.4 management program to Geronimo and 
noticed what appears to be inconsistency in the way JSR77 StateManageable 
attribute is handled.

The spec says that if one of the JSR77 objects does support the StateManageable 
interface it should return "true" for the stateManageable attribute of the 
J2EEManagedObject interface. Returning "true" for the stateManageable attribute 
is supposed to tell the management program that this object supports the 
StateManageable interface which includes the "state" attribute, as well as 
implementing the "stop", "start", and "startRecursive" operations.

But the J2EEManagedObjects returned by the ManagementEJB in Geronimo appear to 
be inconsistent in this area. For instance, the J2EEDeployedObject claims to be 
a state manageable object (stateManageable="true") but if you attempt to 
getAttribute the "state" attribute you will receive an exception:
javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException: state

In a different example of inconsistency, the J2EEServer object also claims to 
be StateManageable, yet I cannot invoke the "stop" operation on that object.

Perhaps I am accessing these J2EEManagedObjects incorrectly? I am using the 
ManagementEJB as per the spec. Is this a bug in the implementation?

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