The JavaMail impl so far is only SMTP , other protocols (POP3 and IMAP) are still work-in-progress and not added to the code base.

On 1/16/06, Ken McArthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yea, I looked into what David said and noticed that car was missing.  Until 1.0.1 is released, I'll get it from the code base and build jar.

Thanks for your help.

You guys have built the best thing since tomcat.

On 1/16/06, John Sisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
David Jencks wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2006, at 11:09 AM, Ken McArthur wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Pardon my ignorance but I've recently migrated to geronimo.  Setup
>> was surprisingly easy and everything works fine except for email.
>> I've read about a javamail implementation that was included starting
>> with version 1.0.  I'd prefer to use it over Sun's implementation in
>> activation.jar and mail.jar.  Other posts reference
>> org.apache.geronimo.mail.SMTPTransportGBean but this doesn't exist in
>> the repository.  My question is where is it or where can I get it?
> I think you can turn it on in 1.0 by looking in
> $GERONIMO_HOME/var/config.config.xml for the configuration
>     <configuration name="geronimo/javamail/1.0/car" load="false">
>         <gbean name="SMTPTransport">
>             <attribute name="host">localhost</attribute>
>             <attribute name="port">25</attribute>
>         </gbean>
>     </configuration>
> and changing load="true" while geronimo is stopped.
> Due to GERONIMO-1455 this is a little harder to do from the admin
> console: you can "start" the configuration, but to actually get it to
> fully start you need to
> shutdown and restart geronimo.
> There are some bugs with our javamail implementation, but feedback
> would be welcome :-)
> thanks
> david jencks
>> Thanks,
>> Ken
If you are using the Tomcat distribution of Geronimo you will will have
problems due to the bug:
http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-1446 .  This will be fixed
in an upcoming 1.0.1 release.  The Jetty version does not have this problem.



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