Hi All,
here is an article on how to configure DB2 (or any other DB needing more than 
one jar file)



I am very new to Geronimo, have installed Geronimo-Tomcat-J2EE-1.0 just last week on my Window-XP to evaluate it. I have DB2 UDB Workgroup server 8.2 running on another Windows server within my LAN and I am trying to add a database pool for this DB2 using Geronimo Web Console. I could successfully add the two jar files db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar to the Geronimo repository and they are now under ...\geronimo-1.0\repository\db2\jars but renamed as db2jcc-8.2.jar and db2jcc_license_cu-8.2.jar respectively since I specified their version as 8.2. They are listed as db2/db2jcc/8.2/jar and db2/db2jcc_license_cu/8.2/jar respectively under the Current Repository Entries. While adding the new database pool, I can successfully step through until the "Test Connection" which fails trying to find the appropriate license file db2jcc_license_cu.jar. Below is the error message:
com.ibm.db2.jcc.b.SqlException: The version of the IBM Universal JDBC driver in use is not licensed for connectivity to DB2 for Unix/Windows databases. To connect to this DB2 server, please obtain a licensed copy of the IBM DB2 Universal Driver for JDBC and SQLJ. An appropriate license file db2jcc_license_*.jar for this target platform must be installed to the application classpath. Connectivity to DB2 for Unix/Windows databases is enabled by any of the following license files: { db2jcc_license_cu.jar, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar }
 at com.ibm.db2.jcc.b.o.db(o.java:3103)
 at com.ibm.db2.jcc.b.o.cb(o.java:3049)
 at com.ibm.db2.jcc.a.b.cb(b.java:629)
 at com.ibm.db2.jcc.a.b.<init>(b.java:306)
 at com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver.connect(DB2Driver.java:162)
at org.apache.geronimo.console.databasemanager.wizard.DatabasePoolPortlet.attemptConnect(DatabasePoolPortlet.java:797) at org.apache.geronimo.console.databasemanager.wizard.DatabasePoolPortlet.processAction(DatabasePoolPortlet.java:321)
The DB2 license file name is expected to be db2jcc_license_cu.jar, but the Web Console renames it to db2jcc_license_cu-8.2.jar due to its jar file naming rules. I have seen a posting by Mr. Young Skim ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) on 01/12/2006 seeking help on the same problem and I have tried one of the solutions posted by Mr. Matt Hogstrom i.e. add dependency to these jar files to the application's deployment plan. It did not work, may be because I am not sure exactly to which xml file, I should add this. Please help me!
Thanks a lot!

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