This is definitely a problem.  Do you have Geronimo installed in a
directory with spaces in the name?  If so, does the behavior change if
you install it to a directory without spaces?


> Hello,
> I have fresh installation of Geronimo-Tomcat-J2EE-1.0 on Windows XP. I
> startup the Geronimo server from <Geronimo Home> with command "bin\geronimo
> start" and I get warning messages about some GBeans not being started
> successfully. Below is the information on my command line console:
> =============================================
> Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_10)...
> Started configuration  1/25   1s geronimo/rmi-naming/1.0/car
> Started configuration  2/25   3s geronimo/j2ee-server/1.0/car
> Started configuration  3/25   1s geronimo/j2ee-security/1.0/car
> Started configuration  4/25  12s
> geronimo/activemq-broker/1.0/car
> Started configuration  5/25   1s geronimo/activemq/1.0/car
> Started configuration  6/25   0s
> geronimo/system-database/1.0/car
> Started configuration  7/25   5s geronimo/directory/1.0/car
> Started configuration  8/25   0s geronimo/ldap-realm/1.0/car
> 09:11:37,085 INFO  [Http11Protocol] Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on
> http-
> -8443
> 09:11:37,523 INFO  [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on
> http-
> 3
> 09:11:38,116 INFO  [Http11Protocol] Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on
> http-
> -8080
> 09:11:38,163 INFO  [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on
> http-
> 0
> Started configuration  9/25   6s geronimo/tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 10/25   1s
> geronimo/geronimo-gbean-deployer/1.0/car
> Started configuration 11/25   3s geronimo/j2ee-deployer/1.0/car
> Started configuration 12/25   0s
> geronimo/tomcat-deployer/1.0/car
> Started configuration 13/25   1s geronimo/welcome-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 14/25   1s
> geronimo/ldap-demo-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 15/25   1s
> geronimo/servlets-examples-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 16/25   2s
> geronimo/jsp-examples-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 17/25   2s
> geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 18/25   1s geronimo/uddi-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 19/25   1s
> geronimo/jmxdebug-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 20/25  12s
> geronimo/daytrader-derby-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 21/25   1s
> geronimo/remote-deploy-tomcat/1.0/car
> Started configuration 22/25   2s geronimo/hot-deployer/1.0/car
> Started configuration 23/25   1s geronimo/client-system/1.0/car
> Started configuration 24/25   0s geronimo/client/1.0/car
> Started configuration 25/25   1s
> geronimo/daytrader-derby-tomcat-streamer-client
> /1.0/car
> Startup completed in 63 seconds
>   Listening on Ports:
>     1099 RMI Naming
>     1389 Apache Directory LDAP
>     1527 Derby Connector
>     4201 ActiveIO Connector EJB
>     4242 Remote Login Listener
>     8009 Tomcat Connector AJP
>     8080 Tomcat Connector HTTP
>     8443 Tomcat Connector HTTPS
>    61616 ActiveMQ Message Broker Connector
>   Started Application Modules:
>     WAR: geronimo/welcome-tomcat/1.0/car
>     EAR: geronimo/webconsole-tomcat/1.0/car
>     EAR: geronimo/uddi-tomcat/1.0/car
>     WAR: geronimo/remote-deploy-tomcat/1.0/car
>     WAR: geronimo/ldap-demo-tomcat/1.0/car
>     RAR: geronimo/activemq/1.0/car
>     WAR: geronimo/jmxdebug-tomcat/1.0/car
>     WAR: geronimo/servlets-examples-tomcat/1.0/car
>     EAR: geronimo/daytrader-derby-tomcat/1.0/car
>     WAR: geronimo/jsp-examples-tomcat/1.0/car
>     RAR: geronimo/system-database/1.0/car
>   Web Applications:
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/console
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/console-standard
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/daytrader
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/debug-tool
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/jsp-examples
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/juddi
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/ldap-demo
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/remote-deploy
>     http://BOT-136635:8080/servlets-examples
>   WARNING: Some GBeans were not started successfully:
>     ConnectionTracker (starting)
>     ActiveMQ RA (starting)
>     jms/TopicConnectionFactory (starting)
>     TransactionContextManager (starting)
>     jms/TopicConnectionFactory (starting)
>     Repository (starting)
>     DefaultWorkManager (starting)
>     activemq/activemq-ra/3.2.1/rar (starting)
>     geronimo.client:type=ClientContainer (starting)
>     jms/TopicConnectionFactory (starting)
> Geronimo Application Server started
> =============================================
> Is it a normal startup or am I missing something or some mis-configuration
> causing these warnings?
> Thank you all!
> Prakash

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