Are you saying that you have a web service in Axis server 1, and you
want an EJB in Geronimo server 2 to call that web service?  If so...

It sounds like you generated client code (interfaces and stubs) for
the web service with Axis, and bundled all that with your EJB.  If
that's correct, you'll probably need to add <hidden-classes> elements
to your geronimo-ejb-jar.xml listing the Axis package prefix, to
prevent your EJB JAR from seeing the Geronimo version of the Axis
libraries.  I'm not totally sure this won't break other things, but it
seems like your best bet if you really need to use the Axis client
stubs (because you most likely want Axis and all the interfaces to be
in the same classloader, namely the EJB's classloader).

However, the more portable appraoch is to forget about the
Axis-generated stubs and add a service-ref to ejb-jar.xml for that
EJB, pointing to the WSDL and JAX-RPC mapping file describing the
service, and also bundle the service interface and port (aka service
endpoint) interface with the EJB classes in the EJB JAR.  You do not
need any stubs, since Geronimo will generate those as needed.  The
down side to this approach is that you'll probably need to write the
JAX-RPC mapping file (or use the JWSDP to generate the client, since I
think it can write a JAX-RPC mapping file for you).  There's some
documentation on this approach here:


On 2/6/06, lubaki nsele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is anyone has been successful to call Axis webservice using  stubs from EJBs
> in Geronimo?
> stubs are packaged as libraries in the EJB app and need to make remote call
> to a webservice. It seems not create Axis call.
> This apps works fine under Websphere but Geronimo is throwing class cast
> Exception or Document fiels not found. OR
> Exception from service object: 32=Invalid search entry or entry does not
> exist. Please try again.
> Lubaki

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