For one thing, I think your parentId should be
geronimo/activemq-broker/1.0/car (you want to force the broker to
start first, not the other standard ActiveMQ resources).

Also, you should remove the implemented-interface element you have --
that's only used if you have additional interfaces above and beyond
what's listed in the connectionfactory-interface, and repeating the
same one appears to hose it up.


On 2/6/06, Johnny l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> lol well after relooking at that entire section, I took a swipe at the
> manual config of it. Unfortunately I still can't seem to get it going. When
> I deploy the deployment plan with deploy, everything goes fine until i check
> it out in the admin console. The connection factory's state is set to Failed
> and when i try to check the details, it gives me "Error occurred in
> portlet!".
> In the server window the exception thrown is:
> ERROR [GBeanInstanceState] Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED
> state:
> objectName="geronimo.server:J2EEApplication=null,J2EEServer=geronimo,
> JCAResource=jms/TopicConnectionFactory,j2eeType=JCAManagedConnectionFactory,name=jms/TopicConnectionFactory"
> Considering I took most of my deployplan from the tutorial and didn't change
> too much, I feel I sorta missed some vital step in actually setting up the
> server perhaps? Any help would be greatly appreciated (and sorry about all
> these bash head on desk silly problems :)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <connector
> xmlns="";
>     configId="MyTopicConnectionFactory"
>     parentId="geronimo/activemq/1.0/car">
> <resourceadapter>
> <!-- how to connect to the JMS Server -->
> <resourceadapter-instance>
>       <resourceadapter-name>TestJMS</resourceadapter-name>
>       <config-property-setting name="ServerUrl">
>         tcp://localhost:61616
>       </config-property-setting>
>        <config-property-setting name="UserName">
>         not needed
>       </config-property-setting>
>       <config-property-setting name="Password">
>         not needed
>       </config-property-setting>
>       <workmanager>
>         <gbean-link>DefaultWorkManager</gbean-link>
>       </workmanager>
> </resourceadapter-instance>
> <!-- defines a ConnectionFactory -->
> <outbound-resourceadapter>
>       <connection-definition>
>         <connectionfactory-interface>
>           javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
>         </connectionfactory-interface>
>         <connectiondefinition-instance>
>           <name>jms/MyTopicConnectionFactory</name>
>           <implemented-interface>
>             javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
>           </implemented-interface>
>           <connectionmanager>
>             <xa-transaction>
>               <transaction-caching />
>             </xa-transaction>
>             <single-pool>
>               <max-size>10</max-size>
>               <min-size>0</min-size>
>               <blocking-timeout-milliseconds>
>                 5000
>               </blocking-timeout-milliseconds>
>               <idle-timeout-minutes>
>                 0
>               </idle-timeout-minutes>
>               <match-one/>
>             </single-pool>
>           </connectionmanager>
>         </connectiondefinition-instance>
>       </connection-definition>
>     </outbound-resourceadapter>
>   </resourceadapter>
> <!-- defines a Topic -->
>   <adminobject>
>     <adminobject-interface>javax.jms.Topic</adminobject-interface>
>     <adminobject-class>org.activemq.message.ActiveMQTopic
> </adminobject-class>
>     <adminobject-instance>
> <message-destination-name>jms/Topic</message-destination-name>
>       <config-property-setting
> name="PhysicalName">jms/Topic</config-property-setting>
>     </adminobject-instance>
>   </adminobject>
> </connector>

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