On Feb 17, 2006, at 11:49 AM, David Jencks wrote:

On Feb 17, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Tim Kettering wrote:

lets say foo-webapp has a spring context that is started up when the
webapp starts up.  ideally i'd like this spring context to be able to
obtain the various gbeans that are set in the server and make them
available as beans in the context.  has anyone done this, or could
anyone offer some ideas/suggestions on how that might be done?

Dain has some ideas on how to do this generically. Right now it is not very convenient. An example of something you can do is in trunk in the Spring module where there's a spring bean that more or less wraps our TransactionContextManager gbean.

In the xbean code we have spring bean factories that expose Geronimo services to Spring, but I don't expect that code to be integrated into Geronimo for several months (assuming that community wants it at all).

Note that depending on the circumstances you might be able to use JNDI. (not that I recommend JNDI for much of anything :-). The stuff specified in a web app's jndi specification will be accessible in any thread that goes through that web app. Therefore if you don't need to access geronimo services (gbeans) during the spring startup but only when in use from a web app, you can look up stuff like datasources.

I'd like to be able to expose generic geronimo service via the J2EE enc, but never got around to adding the configuration code necessary to make it happen :(

i will continue to work this angle - and share any answers i might by
miracle discover, considering my very amateur understanding of this
geronimo thing here.  :)

This is definitely an area we are interested in making easier :-)



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