I'm using Netbeans 5.0 and deploy to Geronimo 1.0. I have extended Ant build-impl.xml with following targets and then create a menu item to deploy/redeploy. To debug I start Geronimo with "geronimo jpda" command and in Netbeans use "Attach Debugger" menu to get debugging possibilities. Anyway, I still reference to bundled Sun Application Server to get references resolved. Hope we got Netbeans plug-in for Geronimo once.

<target name="deploy" description="Deploy the application into Geronimo"
        <java jar="c:/apache/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar" fork="true">
            <arg line="--user system --password manager deploy"/>
            <arg file="dist/coordinator.ear" />
    <target name="redeploy" description="Redeploy the application into Geronimo"
        <java jar="c:/apache/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar" fork="true">
            <arg line="--user system --password manager redeploy"/>
            <arg file="dist/coordinator.ear" />
            <arg line="coordinator" />
    <target name="undeploy"
        description="undeploy the application from Geronimo">
        <java jar="c:/apache/geronimo-1.0/bin/deployer.jar" fork="true">
            <arg line="--user system --password manager undeploy coordinator" />
    <target name="install-sql" description="Install SQL scripts into DB">
        <java classname="org.apache.derby.tools.ij">
            <classpath path="c:/apache/geronimo-1.0/repository/org.apache.derby/jars/derbytools-"/>
            <classpath path="c:/apache/geronimo-1.0/repository/org.apache.derby/jars/derbyclient-"/>
            <sysproperty key="ij.driver"
            <sysproperty key="ij.protocol"
            <sysproperty key="ij.user"
            <sysproperty key="ij.password"
            <arg value="x:/coordinator/src/sql/coordinator.sql"/>         

Rohit Rai  wrote / napísal(a):
Checked out Netbeans Enterprise Preview 5.5 yesterday nad it is coming out wonderful. Will bbe a real complete JEE 5 and SOA IDE and the best of the freeones if it is available for free that is . . .
I have experienced that Sun Java Studio Enterprise 8 and Java Studio Creator 2 have greatly impoved the performance and productivity of my team.
Now our company has decided to use Websphere AS CE/Geronimo 1.0 as our production server. I would like to know does anyone ave any experience using Geronimo and Netbeans 4.1/Sun JSE/JSC 2 together? or atleast used Geronimo as deployment server for their Netbeans project
and does Geronimo support JSF 1.1???
Rohit Rai

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