Here are my top five, with the caveat that the order does not necessarily
reflect relative priority, just the order that I think of them:

1) Support for JDK1.5 (both for Geronimo itself and the Geronimo Eclipse
2) Implementation of J2EE 1.5 (or JEE 5 or whatever we're calling it these
3) Migration path from Tomcat to Geronimo
4) More Documentation (HOWTO's, Tutorials, Cookbooks, etc)
5) And I'll go ahead and second David's #2, more frequent minor releases


It's better to be hated for who you are
than loved for who you are not

Ian D. Stewart
Appl Dev Analyst-Advisory, DCS Automation
JPMorganChase Global Technology Infrastructure
Phone: (614) 244-2564
Pager: (888) 260-0078

                      David Blevins                                             
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:                                                      
            >                  cc:                              
                                               Subject:  User Feedback Request 
-- this means you!                                      
                      03/28/2006 03:00                                          
                      Please respond to                                         

So this is the first of what I think should be a quarterly event.
Geronimo is ultimately your project and we committers are but your
humble servants.  To serve you best, we need some critical high level
feedback to help us steer the project and focus on what matters most
to you!

Please, every user out there, give us your top 5 things we can do to
make Geronimo better for you.  Here is my list:

1)  More interaction with you guys, the users!
2)  More frequent releases incorporating more user feedback (small
releases more often vs. big releases only 4 times a year)
3)  Less deployment requirements (simpler plans, more defaults, etc.)
4)  More application validation at deployment
5)  More powerful text configuration

That's just to get the ball rolling.  More detail is always good if
you have the time.  In general anything you think we need to correct
as a community, technical or non-technical.  Let us know.

If you've ever uttered the words, "Geronimo would be such a great
project if it only...." then now is your time to shine.

We want to hear from everyone!  This is not just for the "hard-core"
Geronimo users or J2EE experts.  If you are new to J2EE and
downloaded Geronimo and had to give up after an hour of no progress,
let us know what we might do!

It's all about you.

Best Regards,
David Blevins

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