Theres are lots of planned improvements coming... The biggest I think from a user experience is being able to run resources directly from the workspace, so the ear isn't built and re-packaged on every publish. Also, the plugin is built using the Generic Server Framework which restricts some of the stuff we can do, so a good chunk of it will be re-written to move away from this in order to have more control over the runtime/server wizards, publish process, and server management. Finally, we'll need to continue to build up the UI so we have a complete set of "form editors" for the G deployment plans. This is the basis of what we need and which afterwards we can start getting really fancy with the power of EMF... like the ability to see changes reflected live in something like the Common Navigator as you modify your plans and full synchronization between the source view and views using the model, copy/paste, undo/ redo support.

Theres also plans in WTP to improve the Server Tools Framework to make it easier to have more control over what defines your runtime.

Is there anything other then this you had in mind?

- sachin

On Mar 28, 2006, at 9:14 PM, Olivier Voutat wrote:

3) Eclipse plugin improvement (it is really good but think it could be better)

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