Our long term goal is to isolate web applications from the system classes. This means that by default a web application will only see the spec jars required by the servlet spec. Then if an application needs more jars, they can either add them to the WEB-INF/lib or the geronimo repository and add a dependency. I would have liked to get this into 1.1, but I think 1.1 will ship before I can get to it.


On Apr 13, 2006, at 7:18 AM, Guilherme Rios wrote:

Thanks Pablo,

Should this be addressed? The practical impact is sometimes an application will deploy fine in Geronimo/Tomcat but not Geronimo/ Jetty (because it will use jars unavailable in the former) or the other way around (because app jars will conflict with Geronimo's, as already discussed in other thread).
    Is there any reason why the repositories differ for both versions?



Pablo wrote:
Guilherme Rios wrote:
Paul McMahan wrote:

I'm not sure why deployment didn't fail in jetty, perhaps you would
have seen a failure later on when you tried to access your


I recall noticing a few days ago some jars missing from Geronimo/Jetty /repository when compared to Geronimo/Tomcat. Commons Logging was one, there was also one or two others missing. Can anyone pls confirm that? (I do not have access to my installation at this very moment) This could be the reason why it works on Geronimo/Jetty but not Geronimo/Tomcat.


I'm sending lists of jars for both jetty and tomcat. There are a few differences...
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