Aaron Mulder wrote:
A) that's horrible that we turn 3 lines into like 5000 lines.  We have
got to do better!
We used to be able to read JAAS login configuration files directly w/out using XML. What happened to that?


B) in case it wasn't clear from David's response, the "realm-name" is
what's normally used to refer to this security realm; your login
domain names can be arbitrary, but they must be unique.  I suggest
magnolia-authentication and magnolia-authorization.  (If you enable
certain advanced features you can use the login domain names in your
J2EE role mapping, but it's a bit unusual that you'd want to, and if
you did want to, they'd have to have unique names for you to
distinguish them.)



Hi all,

I'm having a problem configuring my security gbean and could use a bit of help.

I have the following jaas.config file:

magnolia {
  info.magnolia.jaas.sp.jcr.JCRAuthenticationModule requisite;
  info.magnolia.jaas.sp.jcr.JCRAuthorizationModule required;
Jackrabbit {
  org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.SimpleLoginModule required;

And I've translated it into the following gbeans:

<gbean name="magnolia" class="org.apache.geronimo.security.realm.GenericSecurityRealm">
        <attribute name="realmName">magnolia</attribute>
        <reference name="ServerInfo">
        <reference name="LoginService">
        <xml-reference name="LoginModuleConfiguration">
<log:login-config xmlns:log="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/loginconfig-1.0";> <log:login-module control-flag="REQUISITE" server-side="true" wrap-principals="false"> <log:login-domain-name>magnolia</log:login-domain-name> <log:login-module-class>info.magnolia.jaas.sp.jcr.JCRAuthenticationModule</log:login-module-class>
<log:login-module control-flag="REQUIRED" server-side="true" wrap-principals="false"> <log:login-domain-name>magnolia</log:login-domain-name> <log:login-module-class>info.magnolia.jaas.sp.jcr.JCRAuthorizationModule</log:login-module-class>

<gbean name="Jackrabbit" class="org.apache.geronimo.security.realm.GenericSecurityRealm">
            <attribute name="realmName">Jackrabbit</attribute>
            <reference name="ServerInfo">
            <reference name="LoginService">

            <xml-reference name="LoginModuleConfiguration">
<log:login-config xmlns:log="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/loginconfig-1.0";> <log:login-module control-flag="REQUIRED" server-side="true" wrap-principals="false"> <log:login-domain-name>Jackrabbit</log:login-domain-name> <log:login-module-class>org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.SimpleLoginModule</log:login-module-class>

The problem I'm currently having is that it's complaining that my login-domain-name for both the Authenitciation and Authorization modules are the same (magnolia).... but it seems as though it has to be according the the jaas.config. Or am I wrong?
How do I fix this?
Also, if you see something else wrong with this, I'd appreciate any pointers.


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