Nevermind. Turns out another conflict triggered the class loader issue. The sharedlib feature is working as +is+ included in the tomcat deployment plan.


On 8/15/06, Scott Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have encountered the same problem as Sunil did in my attempts to integrate the Apache Pluto 1.1 jars into Geronimo ...

Unfortunately, the response provided to Sunil does not seem to provide a complete solution to the problem. It appears that the class loaders being used by the Tomcat module do not include the Pluto 1.1 jars from the sharedlib directory. This makes sense because the Tomcat module does not appear to be including the sharedlib dependency in its deployment plan.

How would I go about adding this dependency to Tomcat? I don't have a lot of maven experience and from searching/looking at the configuration files it seems like I should be adding the dependency to either 'modules/tomcat/project.xml' or 'assemblies/j2ee-tomcat-server/project.xml' and then rebuilding Geronimo? Alternately, I could explicitly add dependencies for the pluto jars to the tomcat deployment plan instead of using the sharedlib dependency but that would require that those jars be in the repository at the time the tomcat module is built. This would seem to require a more substantial change to the Geronimo build scripts which is something I would like to avoid.

Am I on the right track?


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