Thanks, all.  The following plan will create a system-wide mail
session.  In your J2EE module, you just need to declare a dependency
on it.

<module xmlns="";>

 <gbean name="MailSession" class="org.apache.geronimo.mail.MailGBean">
   <attribute name="transportProtocol">smtp</attribute>
   <attribute name="useDefault">false</attribute>
   <attribute name="host">mailserver</attribute>
   <attribute name="properties">

On 11/27/06, David Carew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Take a look at the WAS CE samples (you can download them from the same place
you downloaded WAS CE). There's an application called PlantsByWebsphere that
uses a mail session and has all the required info in the deployment plan .
I've tried it before  and it has worked for me. HTH

On 11/27/06, Mike Perham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've spent the last few days trying to figure out how to create an
> system-wide javamail Session for application email usage.
> I updated the javamail module in config.xml to point to my SMTP server
> but can't find any documentation on how to create a session based on
> that config.  If someone has a working mail session, could you reply
> with your plan?  I'm using WAS CE
> mike

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