On Mar 15, 2007, at 5:13 PM, CedricHurst wrote:

I have another question regarding Geronimo and Maven2 interaction.

In the lab we're building, we have quite a few dependencies (Spring,
Hibernate, org.json, Derby Client). We're using Maven2 to define these dependencies within the project and inject them in the WAR file, but we're wondering if there's a better way. I've often stared at the common libs portlet in the admin console and wondered if there was a way to get that talking to our standalone maven repository. This would would allow us to
pull down the dependency trees through the maven command and have them
available inside the Geronimo installation at-large (instead of manually adding 20+ libraries by hand from the admin console). That way, instead of specifying the dependencies in the pom.xml and deploying a 100MB+ war file,
we could define the dependencies in the deployment plan and push much
smaller files to the server, relying on common libs to supply the needed
jars.  Is this possible?

Yes. That's kind of how we build the server. The car-maven-plugin uses the local maven repository as the geronimo repository and basically starts a server up using the maven repo, and runs some deploy command, and then copies the result(s) back into the local maven repo. Assembly looks at the recorded geronimo dependencies in each module/configuration we install and pulls its dependencies from the local maven repo into the repository of the server being assembled.

There's also the plugin system which is pretty much like what the assembly stuff does except it can work with remote maven repos. It has an additional xml file describing more about the plugin, but I'm not exactly sure what.

There are some problems relating the geronimo and maven concepts of repository, mostly about how to resolve versions, but I'm not sure they are insurmountable, just very annoying when you run into them.

So, I'm not really clear on what you are trying to do, but I think if you study these a bit you can figure out a way to have a slim war with no external jars in it and use a collection of maven and geronimo repositories to load all the classes.

One thing the car plugin does for you if you use it to "predeploy" your app is copy the maven dependencies from the pom.xml into your geronimo plan: that's why the plans in our configs dir don't have an environment element in them. This is slightly problematical due to the different meanings of "scope" in maven and geronimo and we might adopt a different system soon but might still be worth looking at.

I think I'd recommend you go for a plugin.

Hope this helps, perhaps I'll understand better exactly what you want to do with your next reply.

david jencks

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