Unless someone changed the code a lot while I wasn't looking I don't think that will work.

 I think you need to
(1) make sure your pool module is an ancestor of your ejb app: the easiest way is to make it a dependency in the geronimo plan for the ejb app. This has the same effect as the "ext-module" in daytrader. (2) assuming you do want jta :-) use <jta-data-source>MyTestPool</jta- data-source> or <jta-data-source>name=MyTestPool</jta-data-source>

david jencks

On Mar 28, 2007, at 7:43 AM, David Carew wrote:

You should be able to do it in your persistence.xml file. with the <jta-data-source> element
e.g. < jta-data-source>java:comp/env/MyTestPool</jta-data-source>

On 3/28/07, Ueberbach, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I need some help in finding out the right way to deploy an ejb- application in Geronimo 2.0M3.
Szenario is as follows:
There is a connection-pool already deployed to an existing MySQL- Database, let's say "MyTestPool". The application has some entity beans and stateless session beans using EJB3.0 annotations. I want to use JPA
for persistence.
Can someone give an example what way the mimimum persistence.xml and the neccessary corresponding entries in the openejb-jar.xml

have to look like to get right connection between the application and the connection-pool?

I've had already a look at the daytrader example (2.0M2-jpa- plan.xml), but (if I got it right) this makes use of an ext-module

entry for the database connection. Is this really neccessary? How can I describe a reference to my existing connection-pool?

Thanks for every hint.


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