Great. Thanks for your valuable comments Mark.

As you suggest a "tool/wizard for auto creating Geronimo Deployment Plan by
scanning the corresponding Java-EE plan/annotation" would fit best within
"Admin Console", may be as an extension to the Deploy

In addition, as you point out, it could also be useful to enable Developers
to specify Geronimo specific deployment information through Annotations (may
be as JSR-175 annotations instead of XDoclet based Annotations). One our
Committers 'Sachin Patel' had started one such discussion[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg39760.html. Your
feedback here has  helped clarify that discussion also.

Thanks again Mark. User feedbacks have always been Gold Mines. Please keep
pouring your suggestions and feedback in future.

If I understand correctly David Jencks, Aaron Mulder, David Blevins, Tim
McConnell and Others are the experts in Geronimo Deployment Plans and
Annotations. It would be valuable if they too can post their view on this.


On 5/21/07, Mark Aufdencamp < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 It's definitely needed!  I'm the Architecture/Project Manager type with
twenty years in the business.  I've been engaged in re-learning the JEE
stack over the last six months with Geronimo.  I've been befuddled a half
dozen times in the learning curve by the configuration files. This list has
helped to resolve all of them:)

 I've been using MyEclipse learning materials which are all JBoss based.
I've been able to use XDoclet to generate my ejb-jar.xml.  This has been
very helpful, but I have had to hand translate the open-ejb.jarcomponents.  
This also applies to the
geronimo-web.xml file.  It would have been very helpful to have these
generated by the XDoclet annotations like the available JBoss tags.  I would
also mention at this point that the lack of a global JNDI service created an
additional learning knock about the container specific configuraion
files:).  Yes, they have to be defined n the container config in order to be
accessed.  That's the developer perspective in me.

 Now for the Architect/PM side.  I very much believe in the seperation of
duties, and auditability of application/server/network administration.  I
don't believe that I can get my server administrators to create a hand
crafted deployment plan that would have any chance at mashing up with
generic code coming from my web developer or ejb/database developer!  A
template system that incorporated creation of the container specific
configuration based on the web.xml and ejb-jar.xml would be a valuable
tool within the server administration tool set.  I would expect a tool like
this to be available within the management console in direct proximity to
the deploy application tool!  Setting deployment specific environment values
falls within this scope as well.   In my early J2EE experiences with
Websphere 3.5, this was I believe a component of the server jar deployment

My two cents.

Mark Aufdencamp

 -------- Original Message --------
Subject: How important is simplifying Creation/Updation of Geronimo
Deployment Plans?
From: "Shiva Kumar H R" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, May 21, 2007 8:38 am

 Creating or updating of Geronimo Deployment Plans has always been a
tedious and erroneous task. As evident from the user mailing list, first
time users (and sometimes even advanced users) have always had some issue or
the other when it comes to correctly creating Geronimo deployment plans.
 I have always wished that Geronimo Development Tools (like Geronimo
Eclipse Plug-in) provide some facility for auto creating or updating the
Geronimo deployment plans. I have created a wiki page summarizing my

 If this is something of use for you as a user/developer, it would be
valuable if you can take a moment and provide your feedback/comment as a
reply to this mail. Your feedback/comment would help determine the needs of
User community and would better convince the dev-community into taking this
 Also if you have any new proposals please post it on the above wiki page.
- Shiva

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