I also suggest you skip CMP and move directly to JPA. Knowing CMP isn't going to help you lean JPA at all.


On May 30, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Jay D. McHugh wrote:


I thought about suggesting that you use JPA, but I wasn't sure if there was a reason 'bigger than you' that was requiring you to use EJB2.

I tried to learn how to use EJB2 entity beans and I was defeated.

I am _very_ glad that OpenJPA is integrated into Geronimo now - It is making my life much easier.

If you have any questions once you start working with it I'd be happy to answer any questions you have (if I can).

(BTW: Thanks to any and every one who had a part in getting JPA working in Geronimo!)


Mark Aufdencamp wrote:
Thanks for the response Gianny. I've wacked out a small demo that I'm working on right now with a session facade, the three beans, and the database tables. I'll let you all know how it goes:) I'm planning on hittting EJB 3.0 hard once I understand this. I want to comprehend the legacy way first!

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Re: EJB 2.1 CMR Bi-Directional with Compound Key
    From: Gianny Damour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Date: Wed, May 30, 2007 7:07 am
    To: user@geronimo.apache.org

    Hi Mark,

I had a look to the openejb-jar DD and I think you need to drop the <foreign-key-column-on-source/> element from the Committee- CommitteeMembers relation. This optional element means that the foreign key columns declared in the following <cmr-field-mapping> elements are defined by the CMP declared by <relationship-role-source>.

    So, this should work:

<ejb-relation-name>Committee-CommitteeMembers</ejb-relation- name>
<ejb-relationship-role-name>Committee-has-many- CommitteeMembers</ ejb-relationship-role-name>

Also, you do not need to declare both sides of a relationship: the above is enough to declare the CMR mapping for the Committee- CommitteeMembers relation.

BTW, I strongly recommend you to upgrade to OpenEJB3: this should be a seamless migration from a CMP perspective as the OpenEJB guys have done a fantastic work at writing an OpenEJB2 schema converter.


    On 30/05/2007, at 1:07 AM, Mark Aufdencamp wrote:

> I could really use some help on this! I have a two Entity beans > with a bi-directional relationship, committees and > committee_members. Committees has a single field primary key of > committeeId. Committee_members has a compound primary key of > CommitteeId+UserId. A Foreign Key constraint has been defined for > the committee_members table based on the committeeId. I can't seem > to get this to deploy and believe it's my openejb-jar.xml > deployment descriptor in the <relationship> section. I've looked > at examples from JBoss and Sun, so I'm fairly certain my ejb- > jar.xml is correct.
> Does anyone have a working example of a bi-directional relatioship > where the many table has a compound key that I can take a look at?
> Where can I find documentation on how OpenEJB and TranQL interact > to create the O/R map?
> This knowledge are really seems to be lacking documentation in > Geronimo. I'd really like to draw some pretty pictures of tables > and beans with the seven different relationship types defined for > EJB 2.1. This would be good preliminary work for documenting EJB > 3.0 examples. Please help me learn, so I can contribute:)
    > TIA,
    > Mark Aufdencamp
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://email.secureserver.net/ pcompose.php? aEmlPart=0&type=reply&folder=INBOX.Apache.Geronimo.Users&uid=108#Comp ose>

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