Are you open to using a Geronimo 2.0 build instead, which includes the latest Axis2 stack?

You can get daily builds from -
A quick sample that should work with Axis2 can be checked out of svn and built from -


RichMorricon wrote:
I am getting started using/learning geronimo so this is a NOOB problem. Following the steps in a developerworks article, I have:
1)  downloaded the binary distribution of geronimo in zip format
2)  extracted from zip to new directory
3)  downloaded the binary distribution of Axis2 in zip format
4)  downloaded Axis2.war
5)  started geronimo with 'startup.bat' in bin folder
6)  pointer browser to localhost:8080, geronimo home page looked OK
7)  stopped geronimo with 'shutdown.bat'
8)  copied Axis2.war to the geronimo 'deploy' folder
9)  started geronimo again

Step 9) throws an exception.  The console log rolls off but this is where
the errors seems to start apacheLog1.txt
Any help will be much appreciated.

Rich Morrison

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