On Jun 4, 2007, at 12:42 AM, MoleSon wrote:

Don't set these environment variables.
Doesn't make any difference...
Since you mention ejbs I assume that you are deploying an
Yes, I am deploying an EAR
If you could outline the structure of the project and indicate
exactly where you've specified the security realm that would be
It is hard to outline the structure of the porject, because it contains
about 4000 classes and ca. 30 modules. Generally it is an EAR-file
containing the module .jars and only one .war archive.

Where are the jar(s) containing the login module class and the classes it needs to work?

I tried to deploy a
server wide security realm via the administrative console, but this did not
work. For now I'm trying to add my security realm configuration to my
geronimo-application.xml file, to deploy it wlith the application but I am not able to get it working because I have no idea where and how to put it.
Here is one way I tried it, but geronimo did not like it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application application-name="app"
        all the other modules
        <gbean name="realm"
                <attribute name="realmName">realm</attribute>
                <reference name="ServerInfo">
                <reference name="LoginService">
                <xml-reference name="LoginModuleConfiguration">
                                <log:login-module control-flag="REQUIRED"

This should work. Along with telling us exactly where the missing classes actually are, and if they aren't in an ejb jar how they get into the classpath, please show the stack trace from the ClassNotFoundException.

I also tried to add the gbean to the web module part as well as to create a
new module that just holds it. -> also did not work
That should also work :-)

Could anybody tell me if trying to deploy the securtity realm together with the ear file could help me solve my problem and if yes: how do I do that?

What you are trying looks ok to me, so I hope your answers to my additional questions will let us see where the problem lies.

david jencks

Thanks a lot so far, Sascha

djencks wrote:


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