I am trying to get a simple MDB to work using annotations. However, when I deploy it into Geronimo 2.0, I get the following error. This is with the ConnectionFactory and Queue set up in Geronimo already:

Error: Unable to distribute order-ear-2.0-SNAPSHOT.ear: Unable to
resolve resource reference 'jms/CommonConnectionFactory' (Could not
auto-map to resource.  Try adding a resource-ref mapping to your
Geronimo deployment plan.

My deployment plan for the ConnectionFactory and Queues looks like this:

<connector xmlns="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/j2ee/connector-1.1";>
<dep:environment xmlns:dep="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/deployment-1.2";>
<resourceadapter-name>CommonConnectionFactory</resourceadapter-name> <config-property-setting name="Password">geronimo</config-property-setting> <config-property-setting name="UserName">geronimo</config-property-setting> <nam:workmanager xmlns:nam="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/naming-1.1";>
<config-property-setting name="PhysicalName">OrderQueue</config-property-setting>
<message-destination-name>ConsignmentQueue</message-destination-name> <config-property-setting name="PhysicalName">ConsignmentQueue</config-property-setting>

I have the MDB with the following annotation

@MessageDriven(activationConfig = {
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destinationType", propertyValue="javax.jms.Queue"), @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName="destination", propertyValue="jms/OrderQueue")

I have a Servlet with the following annotated Queue and ConnectionFactory:

   private static Queue receivingQueue;
   private static QueueConnectionFactory factory;

I have the geronimo-web.xml file which has the following:



However, I think that these references are unnecessary when the annotations are present. But I am new to EJBs in general so I am not sure.

And I also have a web.xml with the following references too

<message-destination-ref> <message-destination-ref-name>jms/OrderQueue</message-destination-ref-name>

Am I missing something? I would appreciate any type of feedback.

Viet Nguyen

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