On Jul 9, 2007, at 11:13 AM, Francisco Borges wrote:


I have some code that uses ConnectionRequestInfo objects to get
connections, and also some tests for it. They all work on JBoss, but on
Geronimo1.2, things don't *fail* as I expect.

Namely, I expected that when asking for a connection using an invalid
ConnectionRequestInfo, to get an "javax.resource.spi.SecurityException"
thrown, or at least an "javax.resource.ResourceException":

http://geronimo.apache.org/api/org/apache/geronimo/connector/ outbound/AbstractConnectionManager.html

Is this expectation wrong? If so, how should I check for a failed request?

Geronimo has no way to determine if a CRI is valid or not, so I presume that either your connection factory or ManagedConnectionFactory should be throwing the exception you expect.

I imagine problems with your connection factory would be easy for you and impossible for us to figure out, so I'll assume the problem is after that.

Can you do some debugging or logging and check that your CRI is getting to the MCF

javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection createManagedConnection (javax.security.auth.Subject subject, javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo connectionRequestInfo) throws javax.resource.ResourceException;

javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnection matchManagedConnections (java.util.Set set, javax.security.auth.Subject subject, javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo connectionRequestInfo) throws javax.resource.ResourceException;

methods as expected and that your MCF is throwing an exception? This would help a lot in investigating what is going on.

BTW I think you want match-all if you want to use one pool, unless the match method can change the CRI info in an existing connection. The idea behind multiple pools is that you can divide the connections up by the match criteria so that matches will always succeed and you only need to supply one MC to match. Otherwise match is likely to fail with distinct CRIs and the pool will start killing connections for you.

david jencks

I've tried deploying the connection both with <match-one/> and


But on both cases, I get no exceptions.

Comments & hints are heartily welcome,
Francisco Borges

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