Ueberbach, Michael wrote:


meanwhile I got along a bit further in deploying and using an EJB 3.0 application on g2 (M6). But there still remain some open questions:

1. I did openJPA enhancing on build time (via ant script) to compare the results with enhancing on deploy time. In both cases I didn't manage to use the property acces mode for an entity bean. In all cases I tried the openJPA parser

says that there was the attempt "to use both field and property access. Only one access method is permitted."

   So at last I changed my code to field access mode.

2. When using a certain dynamic query I got the following exception

"An error occurred while parsing the query filter 'SELECT person FROM Person AS person WHERE person.name LIKE ?1 ESCAPE '|''.

I don't know if this is any help but I found and have been using this. The interesting part is the SearchStringEscape. <property name="openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary" value="mysql(SupportsSubselect=false, UseClobs=true, SearchStringEscape=\\\\)"/>
  Peter Petersson

Error message: <1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT nonfatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.kernel.jpql.ParseException: Encountered "ESCAPE" at character 63, but expected: ["AND", "GROUP", "HAVING", "OR", "ORDER", <EOF>]." While the JPQL Language Reference says: 2.5.9 The syntax for the use of the comparison operator [ NOT ] LIKE in a conditional expression is as follows:
   string_expression [NOT] LIKE pattern_value [ESCAPE escape_character]

3. The most important and irritating problem is the following:

After starting the database and then geronimo the first access to persistent data by an ejb method results in the following exception:

ERROR [OpenEJB] The bean instances business method encountered a system exception: Access denied for user 'geronimo'@'localhost' to database 'GERONIMO_DB'

<1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT nonfatal general error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: Access denied for user 'geronimo'@'localhost' to database 'GERONIMO_DB'

The access is denied because the name of the database is geronimo_db (lower cases) and MySQL on linux works case-sensitive. But the correct writing

  of the name has been used when deploying the database pool.

  What is most astonishing is the following!!!
After stopping the database the attempt to get access to data results in

[MCFConnectionInterceptor] Error occurred creating ManagedConnection for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

javax.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException: Unable to obtain physical connection to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/geronimo_db

at org.tranql.connector.jdbc.JDBCDriverMCF.getPhysicalConnection(JDBCDriverMCF.java:98) This is clear and expectable. But ... after starting the database again: Everything works! I can reproduce the whole thing. Conclusion at the moment is: To get a working connection to the database I have to force the above error situation first. Very strange!

  May someone has an idea about this behaviour?
regard and thanks Michael

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