Thanks for pointing out that this is overly difficult to configure.

In your var/config/config.xml add this to the rmi-naming module element

   <gbean name="DefaultThreadPool">
        <attribute name="keepAliveTime">5000</attribute>
        <attribute name="poolSize">${threadPoolSize}</attribute>

and add this in var/config/

(or whatever value you want)

You can hardcode the size in the config.xml but it may be easier to change from config-substitutions.

david jencks

On Sep 17, 2007, at 4:29 AM, Mario Ruebsam wrote:

Ok, now that I run Geronimo 2.0.1 with console I see the max thread
setting of 500. The Little-G Version is also set to this default
max thread count. The question for me is now why this increase in
max thread count compared with the 1.1 version? Some systems like
HP-UX have a default of 128 threads per process and in my special
case it was already set to 512.
Is there an option to set it lower in Little-G without the console?


Mario Ruebsam wrote:
The increasing creation of Threads happens also when I start
the default Geronimo/Jetty 2.0.1 distribution.
Even the usage of the console leads to creation of new Threads
and none of the existing Threads will be reused.
I tested it in the following environment:
Windows XP, Java 1.6.0_02
HP-UX, Java 1.5.0_9

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