Maybe should I rephrase:

With Geronimo 1.1, how can I declare at server level a jndi entry and
its value for a reference? Thanks.

2007/10/4, TslH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have to port a complex WAS6 application (with ESB, 5+ EAR, and so
> on...) onto a Geronimo v1.1, but I have no experiences using Geronimo.
> First thing I'm looking for: a URL provider.
> I have to create a server-wide name such as myapp/properties to a
> filesystem URL. In WAS6, I have an URL provider that do it easily. I
> thing Geronimo could do this by JNDI, but I don't find where to
> configure this, neither in the application console, nor in the
> configuration files.
> Could somebody put me on the right way?
> Thanks you by advance.

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