Those interested/planning to attend this, do register before Oct-12th for
ApacheConUS and before Oct-26th for OSSummitAsia.

Those are the cutoff dates, by when if the trainings don't receive the
required min. number of registrations (8 for ApacheConUS & 10 for
OSSummitAsia) then those training classes will be canceled.

On 10/3/07, Shiva Kumar H R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) Who am I?
> An Apache Geronimo Committer and a Java developer at IBM India Software
> Labs, Bangalore.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2) What's my training about?
> It's about developing Java EE 5.0 applications on Apache Geronimo v2.0 and
> exploring how that is greatly simplified by using Eclipse IDE & WTP (Web
> Tools Platform).
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3) Who should consider this training?
> Someone looking for a quick jump-start! into:
> a) Java EE 5 App Development.
> b) Exploring Apache Geronimo v2.0 - the latest open source Java Enterprise
> Edition 5.0 application server from Apache Software Foundation.
> c) Exploring how Eclipse IDE & its Web Tools Platform (WTP 2.0) greatly
> simplify Java enterprise application development.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 4) What will attendees learn?
> Attendees will learn how to develop, deploy, test and debug Java EE 
> 5.0applications on Apache Geronimo using Eclipse and WTP (Web Tools Platform).
> They will have hands-on lab exercises on (and hence be masterful at):
> a) Setting up the Eclipse IDE for Java EE 5.0 App Development on Geronimo
> v2.0, including starting/stopping of Geronimo server from within Eclipse.
> b) Developing a simple Java EE 5.0 application from scratch (consisting of
> a few JSPs, Servlets, Session Beans and JPA Entity Beans), and deploying and
> testing it on the Geronimo server.
> c) Adding MDBs and WebServices into the above application using Eclipse
> WTP v2.0 tools. d) Debugging Java EE applications using Eclipse.
> Attendees will also compare their newly developed Java EE 5.0 application
> with an equivalent J2EE application, and left appreciative of some of the
> newest features brought by Java EE 5 (like Annotations) that greatly
> simplify enterprise application development.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Link to training ->
- Shiva


Come to ApacheCon US 2007 or OS Summit Asia 2007 and learn about
"Java EE 5 App Development on Geronimo 2.0 simplified using Eclipse"

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