On 11/1/07, jthinaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The core of my problem is that I know that a message is being enqueued on
> the queue, and yet the MDB doesn't get triggered.


How do you know that? What steps do you perform to check it out. I
could deploy mdb on the latest Geronimo version built from the trunk
without any troubles, but even if it worked I didn't know how to find
out the queue content.

> @MessageDriven(mappedName = "CallFinishMDB",

I'm not sure if mappedName means anything to Geronimo. Remove it and
give it a try again. If it changes nothing, it's expected. If not you
will have found an exception.

@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "acknowledgeMode",
> propertyValue = "Auto-acknowledge"),

Unless I'm mistaken It's a default setting - no need to specify it explicitly.

What's your openejb-jar.xml file? What's Geronimo version? How do you
deploy/create the managed objects - jms queue factory and the queue
itself? How do you send messages to the queue? I think I could help
you nail it down, but not much information to go on.

If you speak Polish call yourself lucky as you may find the following
docs quite useful ;-)

* Uruchomienie ziarna MDB w Apache Geronimo
* Aplikacja Java EE 5 z MDB z JPA w trybie JTA i PostgreSQL w Apache
Geronimo 2 

I'm working on translating them, but I don't think you want to wait
that long ;-)


Jacek Laskowski

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