On Dec 27, 2007 8:07 AM, zephyrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I got error message..
> > java -jar bin/deployer.jar deploy geronimo-xmpp-plan.xml
> Username: system
> Password: ******
> Error: Unable to distribute geronimo-xmpp-plan.xml: Cannot deploy
> the requested application module because no deployer is able to
> handle it. This can happen if tou have omitted the J2EE deployment
> descriptor, disabled a deployer module, or if, for example, you are
> trying to deploy an EJB module on a minimal Geronimo server that
> does not have EJB support installed.
> (planFile=/geronimo-jetty6-jee5-2.02/geronimo-xmpp-plan.xml)

That's what I don't like the most - when an issue's so close to be
sorted out, but the last puzzle's missing. I think you can deploy the
plan using the web console or better yet, deploy the webapp you want
to run along with the activemq-xmpp as follows:

  ./bin/deploy.sh deploy <the_app> geronimo-xmpp-plan.xml

If you don't want to deploy <the_app> along with the plan I think
developing a Geronimo plugin might do the trick. Never tried it out
myself though.


Jacek Laskowski

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