I expect you want to look in settings.xml which can be in a number of places but yours is likely in ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf

toby cabot wrote:
Hi Folks,

I've been told that it's a "best practice" to build a Maven repo on
the corporate intranet and use that for building copies of Geronimo
that I might want to build months (or years) from now.  Seems
reasonable, so I'm trying, but it's a challenge to get Maven to use my
internal repo and not external ones.

I started by setting up a copy of my ~/.m2 tree (minus the jars that
Geronimo builds locally) on an internal web server and modifying the
top-level pom.xml to use only that repo.  That works most of the time,
i.e. Maven makes ~599 attempts to download files from there.
Unfortunately, it seems to be making 290 attempts to download files
from, which I can't find in any of the pom.xml files
in the source tree so I don't know how Maven learned about it (unless
it's built into Maven).

Any help appreciated.


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