On Mar 26, 2008, at 10:09 AM, nuffink wrote:


I am a newbie (to a point) at J2EE and a defo newbie at Geronimo so please
be constructive and patient...

I have an old war file from something that was developed using IBM WSAD ages back and so far have managed to get it all str8 in Eclipse J2EE distro via importation (nothing fancy so far). i have created my DB2 databse pool and that works fine too BUT when I importied the war into Eclipse in creating the project and EAR project and web-inf stuff etc it also imported some struts stuff too in the form of tlds. I have read a number of articles on tlds and understand their use and the references that have been made in the jsps to them, again no probs. On deploying to the Geronimo Jetty server v2.1 it is here that I am having issues that I don't fully understand. the
consiole comes back with the following warnings:

13:49:15, 015 WARN (JspModuleBuilderExtension) JspModuleBuilderExtension: Could not load tag class: org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag mentioned
in TLD file at file:/D:/<..my geronimo server
path..>/geronimo-jetty6-javaee5-2.1/repository/com/gyr/AAAAEAR/1.0/ AAAAEAR-1.0.car/AAAA.war/

but thats all it says no reason why...the struts jar and named classes are in the lib directory under WEB-INF...so any help or pointers would be good.

That warning message means we got a ClassNotFoundException attempting to load the WriteTag class. Are you certain the struts-taglib jar is in your lib directory?


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