On Apr 22, 2008, at 6:45 AM, maho77 wrote:

I have a standalone client, no jee-application client. Now I want to login to the server using JAAS, which works until now. But the only principal I
get from the subject is a server principal. But I need all
GeronimoGroupPricipals and GeronimoUserPrincipals of the authneticated user
in the subject on my client, to enable or disable UI elements. I
investigated in the source code but found no solution for this. Is it
possible to get the GeronimoPricipals to the client or can I get the server
subject in any way?

Currently I have a bean that does the same as the corresponding SQLRealm. It provides the user and group depending on the user that is currently logged
in. But I want to avoid this solution.

Can you give me an hint?

Well, I kind of hope you can't get the server side Subject into your client :-). Could I suggest that doing so might not be appropriate from a security standpoint? You don't really know what other sensitive info might have been added to the Subject. Also, I think you would be tying your client to a particular login module which might not be an appropriate coupling.

What I would suggest considering is to have a server component (ejb?) that maps the principals in the Subject to a set of (String) roles that are sent back to the client, and that you base the UI stuff on these roles. It's pretty silly that there isn't a getUserRoles() call in the ee specs but that is what we have to live with now. Anyway I think this would prevent accidentally sending sensitive info to the client, and provide some decoupling between the specific login module you happen to be using now and your client.

There might be something I've overlooked here, so feel free to try to change my mind :-)

david jencks

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