Excellent - thank you!


石田 剛 wrote:
> Hello, Geronimo-fans.
> We, The Japan Apache Geronimo Users Group , are proud to announce that 
> we've completed all the Geronimo 2.0 documents translation. Now it's on 
> the Geronimo Wiki.
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxDOC20ja/Documentation
> Everything was done on a voluntary basis, so it took a little time.
> We'd like to say big "thank-you !" to all the original doc authors. 
> Surely it was fun and interesting as the original docs were so good.
> We're looking forward the 2.1 docs growing up !
> contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Regards.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> GANBARE! NIPPON! Win your ticket to Olympic Games 2008. 
> <http://pr.mail.yahoo.co.jp/ganbare-nippon/>

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