On Jul 8, 2008, at 9:24 AM, johnxmas wrote:


At last, my mail problems are over !

I tried the given solution by adding, in geronimo.bat,
set GERONIMO_OPTS=%GERONIMO_OPTS% "- DXorg.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.MPCLSearchOption=safe"

It did not solve the problem. Is my syntax correct ?

I tried almost everything, added commons-logging1.1 in the repository and a dependency in my deployment plan, and so on... Still same result: all I'm getting as LogFactory is loaded
from /D:/geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0.2/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar

I saw aJ Jira was opened for this issue (GERONIMO-4082), but it seems to be still unresolved

I m a bit lost, as I really do need to control my apps logging...

Hmm. The MPCLSearchOption is working for me. I set as follows:

set JAVA_OPTS=-DXorg.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.MPCLSearchOption=safe

I verified that this works on Windows (and Mac OS X). I had Jetty installed. Don't see how a Tomcat install could behave differently.

Here's the output during deploy:

MockAdapter setting hostName - Log factory is org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory - loaded from file:/C:/geronimo- jetty6-jee5-2.0.2/repository/mock/jca/MockAdapter/1.0/ MockAdapter-1.0.rar/rar/commons-logging.jar

Doh... I bet the " " 's that you used are wrong... If you update your GERONIMO_OPTS setting in geronimo.bat and remove the quotation mark characters, I bet it works...

Still need to fix this properly...


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