I am looking at providing SCA support in Geronimo by integrating Tuscany
which implements SCA v1.0 specifications [1].  Last year Manu and myself
have developed a Tuscany plugin for Geronimo with limited functionality
where the services are exposed as webservices using the web container in
Geronimo and service references used EJB binding.  The plugin works with
v2.0 of Geronimo.  The code is available in Geronimo svn at [2]. That
integration is not a full fledged integration.  Now there is also an SCA
Java EE Integration Specification [3] v1.0 released in May 2008.  We have
been discussing in Tuscany dev-list on and off (see [4]) about the specific
scenarios and use cases to be considered as a starting point and work
towards a full implementation of the SCA Java EE Spec.  But, nothing is like
hearing first hand from the the users what function would they want to see
and what are the important use cases.  Some of the functions needed are
common to Java EE servers as such and ideal place for this is Tuscany
codebase.  Starting with the SCA Java EE Spec, I have been working on
modelling regular JavaEE applications as SCA contributions (which is not
specific to Geronimo).  I should have sent this mail much earlier to get
input from Geronimo user community, but, better late than never.  Please
reply to this e-mail on what use cases and scenarios are important to you
and you will be looking forward to consume.  Your input will be very helpful
in driving this integration effort.

Thanks and best regards,

[2] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/plugins/tuscany/
[4] http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00365.html

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