Which assembly - tomcat + axis2 or jetty + cxf?

Can you open a JIRA for this?


Beniamin Mazan wrote:
I've just found that Geronimo (2.1) caches (?) wsdl. I have two WS-clients
(one local, and another-remote) that call to my service.
If first call to get wsdl is made by local client - using address
localhost:8080/.... - the wsdl served by webserver are being fullfilled with
soap:address location="http://localhost:8080...";. Then remote client which
uses url to wsdl like any.remote.machine:8080 gets wsdl with the same
address location as local client = "http://localhost:8080"; so it cannot
invoke any method on WebService.

Is there any way to force geronimo to fill address location on each request


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