Hi John,

On Oct 14, 2008, at 1:54 AM, johnxmas wrote:


I'm experiencing a problem with my ResourceAdapter: the getConnection metod of my ConnectionFactory returns a Proxy instead of
the expected Connection , causing a ClassCastException

java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy33
com .scort .ctg .cics .eci .jca.EciConnectionFactory.getConnection(EciConnectionFactory.java:381)

Any help would be appreciated

Geronimo version is 2.1.3

Someone else also found this recently, see 

The best solution, if practical for your resource adapter, is to have the ManagedConnections implement DissociatableManagedConnection since that will use the spec defined functionality for preventing connection leaks rather than our proxy based way.

The next best solution would be to make sure the interface the Connection implements has all the methods you need to call on it and use the interface in your client code rather than the concrete connection class.

Dain outlined some possible geronimo code changes to fix this, and if you wanted to pursue one that would be great. I have some other work to finish before I can take a look.

david jencks


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