Hi again,

finally, I solved my problem. If I change the @WebServiceRef and add the
parameter "value=javax.xml.ws.Service.class", then everything works as
expected. But why doesn't Geronimo take this value from the deployment
descriptor's <service-interface/> tag? Isn't the container supposed to
join information from annotations and deployment descriptor files?

Regards, Janko

Janko Heilgeist wrote:
> Hi,
> I currently try to develop a web service that is supposed to contact
> other web service instances of the same port type at remote locations. I
> started with a WSDL and would like to have as much code generated by
> Geronimo as possible. My problem is, that I can't specify the
> <soap:address location=""/> value of a service. This value is
> automatically patched into the WSDL during deployment of the web service
> implementation by Geronimo. Unfortunately, the generated client stub
> seems to read the WSDL from its own module file and therefore receives
> the unpatched version. This leads to a failure of the deployment process.
> Therefore, I played around with alternatives that might allow me to
> deploy the client without a reference to the WSDL. E.g.
> @Stateless
> @WebService(
> serviceName="MyService", portName="MyServicePort",
> endpointInterface="com.heilgeist.tests.tst_ws_annotations.ws_ejb.MyServiceInterface",
> targetNamespace="http://heilgeist.com/tests/tst-ws-annotations/service";)
> public class MyServiceEJBImpl implements MyServiceInterface {
>     @WebServiceRef(name="service/AnotherMyWebService")
>     private MyServiceInterface myService;
>     public void doSomething(int counter) {
>         if (counter > 0) {
>             BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) myService;
>             // the address will come from a DB in the real service
>             bp.getRequestContext().put(
>                 BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
>                 "http://localhost:9090/MyWebService";);
>             myService.doSomething(--counter);
>         }
>     }
> }
> ejb-jar.xml:
> <session>
>     <ejb-name>MyWebService</ejb-name>
>     <ejb-class>
>         com.heilgeist.tests.tst_ws_annotations.ws_ejb.MyServiceEJBImpl
>     </ejb-class>
>     <service-ref>
>         <service-ref-name>service/AnotherMyWebService</service-ref-name>
>         <service-interface>javax.xml.ws.Service</service-interface>
>     </service-ref>
> </session>
> This set-up works fine as long as only a single web service is packaged
> in the EJB-JAR. As soon as I put a second (completely independent) web
> service in the same module, the deployment process aborts with
> com.heilgeist.tests.tst_ws_annotations.ws_ejb.MyServiceInterface does
> not extend javax.xml.rpc.Service or javax.xml.ws.Service
> So it looks like Geronimo is guessing some missing information, that it
> can no longer guess with two services. Any ideas on how to solve this?
> Regards, Janko

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