Okay, so I have to deploy a second Jetty container inside Geronimo, so Geronimo
would have two different Jetty containers, one serving web applications on each
of the two ports.
So I would basically copy the Jetty plugin to a new plugin, compile it, and
place it in the repository.

So now we have JettyContainer/JettyWebContainer in Geronimo.
After doing what is suggested, I would have something like
JettyContainer2/JettyWebContainer2 - it would be a whole new module with the
same code - is this correct?

I have an additional question.
In a previous thread on 2008-12-03, I ask on the subject "How to set up logging
for a connector". Can I also perform this same suggestion for
org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.requestlog.NCSARequestLog ?

I would assume if they use the same NCSARequestLog gbean that both containers
would put their logs in the same log file.
So... since I cannot change the log file name and location (as I asked in this
other thread), I assume I also need to deploy a new NCSARequestLog gbean - is
this correct?


David Jencks wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2008, at 10:59 PM, viola.lu wrote:
>> You can create two geronim instances in one server:instance A in http
>> port
>> 2150, instance B in port 2051, then deploy hello_1 to instance A,
>> hello_2 to
>> instance B.
> I think creating two entire server instances is a bit extreme and e.g.
> if both web apps are connecting to the same ejb app might not work as
> efficiently as possible.
> However, AFAIK you have to set up a second jetty server in your geronimo
> instance.  Basically, copy the plugins/jetty plan (from source), call it
> something else, edit it (e.g. the ports), and deploy it.  I'd copy the
> maven project and build a plugin, but you can deploy the plan separately
> if you want.  You can also include all the gbeans in your geronimo plan
> for your web app.  You need to indicate in the geronimo plan which web
> server you want the app to be deployed on.
> There are micro instructions for geronimo-tomcat here related to a
> sample app:
> http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC22/app-per-port-running-multiple-web-apps-on-different-ports.html
> If you come up with something relevant for jetty and want to help us
> with our docs and samples that would be great!
> I think I recall talking with Greg about filtering web apps per port in
> jetty but I don't think you can actually do it right now.  I think he
> said it would be very easy to add though.... maybe we can get it into
> jetty 7.
> thanks
> david jencks
>> Russell E Glaue wrote:
>>> Using geronimo-jetty 2.1.3
>>> How do I deploy a web application to one and only one single port?
>>> Let's say I have configured two Listen Sockets:
>>> 1)
>>> 2)
>>> If I simply deploy a web application to Geronimo as in:
>>> % deploy.sh deploy HelloWorld.war
>>> The sample application HellowWorld is accessible on both ports as in:
>>> 1) - SUCCESS!!!
>>> 2) - SUCCESS!!!
>>> Now, I can modify WelloWorld/WEB-INF/geronimo-web.xml with the
>>> <virtual-host>virt1.com</virtual-host> attribute, but this restrict the
>>> web
>>> application to be served when the web client makes a HTTP 1.1 call to
>>> Geronimo
>>> for "virt1.com" GET /hello
>>> So with using this <virtual-host>, the HellowWorld is not available on
>>> either
>>> port when accessed as <server-ip>:<port-number>
>>> So, how do I deploy a web application so that it is available on one
>>> port,
>>> but
>>> not another port, yet both ports running under one geronimo instance?
>>> I want to deploy two web applications, each one accessible on a
>>> different
>>> port.
>>> If I do something like:
>>> % deploy.sh deploy HelloWorld_1.war
>>> % deploy.sh deploy HelloWorld_2.war
>>> I want the results to be like:
>>> 1) - SUCCESS!!!
>>> 2) - Fail
>>> 3) - Fail
>>> 4) - SUCCESS!!!
>>> How do I do this?
>>> -RG
>> -- 
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-deploy-web-application-to-one-port-tp20843348s134p20848710.html
>> Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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