On Dec 5, 2008, at 9:35 AM, Mark Aufdencamp wrote:

Thanks for the response David,

I intend to re-configure my Database Pool to point at W32 MySQL 5,
rather than the Ubuntu MySQL 5 with the same JDBC client driver.  They
do have some differences between platforms in there default SQL syntax.
The 'sql_mode' is "Undefined" on the Ubuntu default install and the
NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION".  G 1.1.1 worked fine against this W32 server,
so I'll make sure it's not a "server platform" issue before moving on to the client driver. I'd expect the same syntax issues to arise with EJB
3 JPA when moving between platforms.  Does anyone have cross platform
(MySQL W32 to Linux) experiences with OpenJPA that can be shared?

Can you confirm that OpenJPA wants/requires a persistence.xml and/or
utilizes persistence.xml when supporting CMP/CMR?

I've never actually looked at the code that does this.... but IIRC the cmp/cmr support generates a persistence.xml with some special name when it finds ejb 2.1 entity beans. I think if you supply a persistence.xml with the same name it will use that one instead. Asking on the openejb list might get better info.

Thanks for confirming that CMP/CMR should work and was incorporated in
the TCK for EJB3.  Hopefully this is as simple as some SQL dialect

we can hope :-)
david jencks


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Upgrading 1.1 EAR to 2.1 - OpenEJB 3 CMP/CMR Issues
From: David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, December 05, 2008 2:47 am
To: user@geronimo.apache.org

Hi Mark,

Unfortunately I don't actually know what I'm talking about here in any
detail.... Dain would know more.  However I have a few suggestions:

1. We set the following properties in persistence.xml by default: if
you want something different you should override them:



            openjpa.Sequence=table(Table=OPENJPASEQ, Increment=100)

in particular the DBDictionary may be causing problems.  I'm not sure
whether the other properties might have more appropriate values.  You
can override these in your persistence.xml (in the appropriate format
-- these are not actually from a "default persistence.xml" but from a gbean config)

2. By all means try a more recent mysql driver.

3. MySql used to have rather bizarre ideas about sql.  Trying another
database as an experiment might be useful.

4. Just in case you aren't currently, letting openjpa create the
tables for you at least as an experiment might be informative.

The tck has a bunch of ejb 2.1 cmp/cmr tests and they all work fine so
at least a lot of it is verified to work propertly.

Please let us know your progress.

david jencks

On Dec 4, 2008, at 10:49 PM, Mark Aufdencamp wrote:

Hi All,

I'm upgrading an EAR from G 1.1.1-Win32-Tomcat to G 2.1.3-Linux-
I've successfully installed G 2.1 and managed to deploy my Database
Pools and Security Realms. I've edited my geonimo-application.xml and
openejb-jar.xml to reflect the new deployment plan name space.  I've
managed to successfully deploy the EAR on the server. I even managed
migrate my databases to the new server after learning some MySQL
intricacies of Win32 vs Linux table and column name case sensitivity.

I can access my application and login via the defined JDBC Security
Realm. Now the good stuff. It has an EJB 2.1 CMP/CMR component that
gets wrapped by OpenJPA in OpenEJB 3.  No problem, it should work,

I receive an OpenJPA PersistenceException when first accessing the
EntityBean from a Session Bean (I will double check the authenticity
this location, I believe it's an initial EJB Query).  OpenJPA spits
a generated SQL Statement that it doesn't like.  It appears to be an
OpenJPA Syntax check of a "SHOW CREATE TABLE TableName;"  It
incorporates a MySQL specific table command ( TYPE = "InnoDB" ). This
might pass validation if it were the newer MySQL syntax - ENGINE =
"InnoDB". The newest MySQL 5 Driver rather than the installed 3.1.12 from the Geronimo Driver Repository might fix this. Poking around and
setting the MySQL sql_mode to ANSI seems to resolve this problem and
will probably be more compatible with the default Derby SQL statement
builder and syntax checker.  So, I should hopefully be SQL dialect
neutral at this point.

Now I can retrieve a query of the Entities to display, but the CMR
component seems to be broken.  I have a Null Pointer Exception
in the OpenEJB BaseEjbProxyHandler class with the CMR method
Further up the stack, SetValuedCmr in openejb.core.cmp.cmp2 is
identified as the culprit. It appears that the CMR methods are broken
and not capable of constructing the necessary queries.

Am I missing something in the deployment descriptors to do CMP/CMR in
OpenEJB 3?

Do I need to setup some persistence information in open-ejb.xml for
to run in OpenEJB 3?

Does a MySQL specific QL driver exist for G 2.1/OpenEJB 3?

I haven't found any specific discussion of running CMP/CMR from G
1.1 in
G 2.1.  Does it exist or do I get to be the guy:)

TIA for the help and guidance,

Mark Aufdencamp

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