On Jan 15, 2009, at 3:52 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I really doubt that pursuing this will turn out to be a good use of our time -- I fear that it is likely to introduce hard-to-find and fix problems -- but if anyone wants to look into it....


-- a tomcat flag is unlikely to work in geronimo since we are not using any tomcat class loaders.

Right. Geronimo is responsible for the deployment (or redeployment), not Tomcat...

-- I would investigate what tomcat does from this flag and if eclipse has a similar feature and find out how they work.

Using the Geronimo Eclipse Plugin, this should work (or can be configured to work). The development environment wasn't described. So, don't know if they're using eclipse or not. If needed, hot deploy could be used as a non-GEP solution...

-- I think I recall a jvm feature that lets you replace class definitions in some circumstances. I've never used it and don't know when it can be used.

Basically I don't see how you can reliably replace one class - say a servlet class - in a web app without restarting the whole web app. There is going to be at least one instance of the servlet class created, so you need to stop and recreate the servlet. Assuming it has load-on-startup == 0..... you have to start the whole web app.

Took a quick look at Tomcat and this seems to be what they do...


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