For some reason I'm not seeing this locally, perhaps due to the local changes in my build. I took a heavy-handed approach of just deleting the timestamped artifacts from the snapshot repo. Please let us know if this does not fix the problem.

david jencks

On Apr 10, 2009, at 4:11 AM, Peter Petersson wrote:

Oh sry my mistake I pointed to the wrong file(s) the dependencies.xml files don't have the version tag.

I rebuilt from a empty local repository and did a mvn clean install on gernimo/server/trunk (svn rev 763909) and here is a couple of places where the dated version of geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec shows up

geronimo-server/bin/framework/configs/jee-specs/target/resources/ META-INF/geronimo-plugin.xml (and plan.xml) have

Also for example monitoring/mconsole-jetty-server .../target/ assembly/repository/... geronimo-plugin.xml and plan.xml and more. hmm the cmp generates thous files, question is why (and where) dose it got hold of the 1.0-20080804.213256-1 version?
mvn --version gives
Maven version: 2.0.9
Java version: 1.5.0_16
OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.27-11-generic" arch: "amd64" Family: "unix"

Its not a big thing as everything builds fine after building gernonimo/server/trunk but It would be nice to find out whats going on and maybe fix the problem as it would be good to be able to do plugin/assembly development/builds without also having to check out and build the server.
  peter petersson

David Jencks skrev:
Where exactly do you see the file with the dated version? I've looked around in my build and don't see anything obvious. BTW this problem sounds familiar but I don't remember yet when I ran into it...

david jencks
On Apr 9, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Peter Petersson wrote:

I am building some geronimo plugins "against" G v2.2 (trunk) and I am getting a strange unresolved maven dependency issue against a dated version of the geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec (see below) when I build from a clean .m2 repository.

AFAICT the geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec version should be 1.0-SNAPSHOT (as declared in geronimo server root pom). I have "Geronimo Server Private Repository" and "Apache Snapshots Repository" as repository settings in my project (should be enough to build gplugins?) but only when I first build Geronimo server trunk will my derby plugin build without error. Looking at the generated dependency versions for geronimo- jaspi_1.0_spec in my built geronimo server trunk I also see a dated version (1.0-20080804.213256-1) of the spec in dependecies.xml and not as I would expect the 1.0-SNAPSHOT version.

Do I have some misconfiguration or is this a (by me) unforeseen maven snapshot behavior?
peter petersson

[INFO] [car:verify-no-dependency-change]
86K downloaded
[INFO] [car:package]
[INFO] Packaging module configuration: /usr/local/proj/geronimo- liferay/plugins/connectors/liferay-database-derby/target/resources/ META-INF/plan.xml
[INFO]  GBean references are not using proxies
[INFO] ClassLoading behaviour has changed. The Original Classloading mode is in effect. If you are experiencing a problem you can change the behaviour by specifying - DXorg.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.MPCLSearchOption= property. Specify ="safe" to revert to the original behaviour. This is a temporary change until we decide whether or not to make it
permanent for the 2.0 release
[ERROR] Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED state: abstractName="org.apache.geronimo.framework/jee-specs/2.2-SNAPSHOT/ car?configurationName=org.apache.geronimo.framework/jee-specs/2.2- SNAPSHOT/car" org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.MissingDependencyException: Missing dependency: org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo- jaspi_1.0_spec/1.0-20080804.213256-1/jar org .apache .geronimo .kernel .config.ConfigurationResolver.resolve( 113) org .apache .geronimo .kernel.config.Configuration.buildClassPath( org .apache .geronimo .kernel .config .Configuration.createConfigurationClasssLoader( 334) org .apache .geronimo.kernel.config.Configuration.<init>(

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