Thanks all for your valuable answers. I'm a WebSphere user, new to geronimo.
I'm migrating applications from websphere to geronimo. I thought I could
avoid modifying the code with 
Context envContext  = (Context)initContext.lookup("java:comp/env"); . I have
specified "jdbc/LiferayPool" for an example, not seeking help with liferay.

This message was accepted by the mailing list. 
How do I connect to a datasource thru code without context "java:comp/env" 

Context envContext  = (Context)initContext.lookup("java:comp/env"); 

I just want to connect to DB like this 

DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("jdbc/LiferayPool"); 

Is it possible, if so where do I specify java jndi context ("java:comp/env")
outside the code? 


 Re: JNDI context  
by djencks May 04, 2009; 07:08pm :: Rate this Message:    - Use ratings to
moderate (?)

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This is a user list question.  If you have further questions on this   
subject pleas ask there and only there. 
On May 4, 2009, at 8:19 AM, govinda wrote: 

> How do I connect to a datasource thru code without context   
> "java:comp/env" 
> Context envContext  = (Context)initContext.lookup("java:comp/env"); 
> I just want to connect to DB like this 
> DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("jdbc/LiferayPool"); 

Any such jndi name is going to be container specific.  The java:comp/   
stuff is there specifically so you can use the same jndi name in every   
container, so you don't have to recompile your app for every container. 

For information on the geronimo absolute jndi names, see

Basically what you should do is deploy your datasource, restart   
geronimo, and look in var/log/geronimo.log for the log message telling   
you what the jndi location is. 

> Is it possible, if so where do I specify java jndi context   
> ("java:comp/env") 
> outside the code? 

As far as I understand what you are asking for in this sentence, it is   
not possible. 

david jencks 
> Thanks 
> -- 
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Dev mailing list archive at   


 Re: JNDI context  
by Jack Cai May 04, 2009; 10:59pm :: Rate this Message:    - Use ratings to
moderate (?)

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What's your real purpose behind this (not specifying "java:comp/env")? 

If it is just that you hate this string, you can use the "@Resource"
annotation to inject the datasource in container-managed artifacts (Servlet,
EJB, etc.).
    @Resource (name="jdbc/LiferayPool")
    private DataSource ds;


2009/5/5 David Jencks <david_jen...@...>

This is a user list question.  If you have further questions on this subject
pleas ask there and only there.

On May 4, 2009, at 8:19 AM, govinda wrote:

How do I connect to a datasource thru code without context "java:comp/env"

Context envContext  = (Context)initContext.lookup("java:comp/env");

I just want to connect to DB like this

DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("jdbc/LiferayPool");

Any such jndi name is going to be container specific.  The java:comp/ stuff
is there specifically so you can use the same jndi name in every container,
so you don't have to recompile your app for every container.

For information on the geronimo absolute jndi names, see

Basically what you should do is deploy your datasource, restart geronimo,
and look in var/log/geronimo.log for the log message telling you what the
jndi location is.

Is it possible, if so where do I specify java jndi context ("java:comp/env")
outside the code?

As far as I understand what you are asking for in this sentence, it is not

david jencks

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Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Dev mailing list archive at


 Re: JNDI context  
by Peter Petersson-2 May 05, 2009; 03:10am :: Rate this Message:    - Use
ratings to moderate (?)

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govinda wrote: 
> How do I connect to a datasource thru code without context "java:comp/env" 
> Context envContext  = (Context)initContext.lookup("java:comp/env"); 
> I just want to connect to DB like this 
> DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("jdbc/LiferayPool"); 
> Is it possible, if so where do I specify java jndi context
> ("java:comp/env") 
> outside the code? 
...[show rest of quote]
If I have not misunderstood you last question and although I am not a G 
developer I hope no one minds I jump in an try to help out. 

In Liferay there are several ways to set up a database connection but 
you probably want to use Geronimo:s connection pool and sins Liferay 
5.2.2 it is ones again possible to set up the application server 
connection pools JNDI name by specify the following line in your file. 

###application server connection pools JNDI name 
I am not sure the following is required but I also have this in the end 
of the web.xml file. 
    <!-- Geronimo usage --> 

Hope this helps. 
For more information about this take a look at

    peter petersson 

> Thanks 

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