Nothing much really.

In org.apache.geronimo.jetty6.connector.HTTPSelectChannelConnector we've
added support for a HTTP header that tells Jetty the request is really
secure (we have a proxy doing the encryption):

    public HTTPSelectChannelConnector(JettyContainer container, ThreadPool
threadPool) {
        super(container, new SelectChannelConnector(){

            public void customize(EndPoint endpoint, Request request)
                    throws IOException {
                super.customize(endpoint, request);

            public boolean isConfidential(Request request) {
                if(request.getScheme() != null &&
                    return true;
                return super.isConfidential(request);

        }, threadPool, "HTTPSelectChannelConnector");

If you would like to add this to the code base that would be great for us

We also excluded the org.apache.geronimo.configs.welcome-jetty plugin from
the org.apache.geronimo.plugingroups.javaee5-jetty plugingroup, and added
our Maven repository to the main pom.xml to allow deployment locally.

We used to have some stuff to allow the plugins to run on Java6 but that's
no longer needed. And from time to time we need to change minor stuff, like
we just did with using jetty6 instead of jetty7. I expect the need for this
to go away when the Geronimo 2.2 release is made.


On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Jason Dillon <> wrote:

> Curious what your minor hacks are?
> --jason
> On Jun 3, 2009, at 1:33 PM, Trygve Hardersen wrote:
> Thanks for looking into this David.
> We're building everything ourselves as we have minor hacks to the Geronimo
> code.
> I'll try to give it another shot sometime later this week, but right now I
> have to focus on other things. The Jetty6 build is working for us. I'll let
> you know what I find when I try again. Also see comments to your inline
> comments.
> Trygve
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 1:55 AM, David Jencks <>wrote:
>> I made a couple comments inline however I strongly suspect your problems
>> are caused by a jetty bug I had a hand in creating :-) that could cause the
>> FormAuthenticator to not recognize that the request is the data from the
>> login page.
>> I'm not sure how quickly jetty snapshots are getting pushed --- probably
>> daily.  Also you may want to wait until g. snapshots are available again....
>> but if you build everything yourself you might find it's started working
>> again!
>> thanks
>> david jencks
>> On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Trygve Hardersen wrote:
>> Hello
>> We have been building a relatively large and complex system using
>> Geronimo-2.2 for some time. We're now getting close to finishing the
>> project, and it's encouraging to see that the release of Geronimo 2.2 is
>> getting closer, and that branching is around the corner.
>> However the latest Geronimo updates, I'm pretty sure it's the switch to
>> Jetty7, broke our security model. I've been trying to get make it work again
>> for some time, but with no luck. Hence this mail.
>> First we have a realm and credential store plugin that is used by all
>> other parts of the application:
>> # plan.xml
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <dep:module
>> xmlns:dep="<$%7BgeronimoSchemaVersion%7D>
>> "
>> xmlns:nam="<$%7BgeronimoSchemaVersion%7D>
>> "
>> xmlns:log="<$%7BgeronimoLoginConfigSchemaVersion%7D>
>> "
>> xmlns:cs="<$%7BgeronimoCredentialStoreSchemaVersion%7D>
>> ">
>>     <dep:gbean name="jotta-realm"
>> class="">
>>         <dep:attribute name="realmName">jotta-realm</dep:attribute>
>>         <dep:attribute name="global">true</dep:attribute>
>>         <dep:xml-reference name="LoginModuleConfiguration">
>>             <log:login-config>
>>                 <!-- Allow administrator logins -->
>>                 <log:login-module control-flag="SUFFICIENT"
>> wrap-principals="false">
>> <log:login-domain-name>jotta-admin</log:login-domain-name>
>> <log:login-module-class></log:login-module-class>
>>                     <log:option
>> name="usersURI">var/security/</log:option>
>>                     <log:option
>> name="groupsURI">var/security/</log:option>
>>                 </log:login-module>
>>                 <!-- Then check the user DBs -->
>>                 <log:login-module control-flag="REQUIRED"
>> wrap-principals="false">
>> <log:login-domain-name>jotta-users</log:login-domain-name>
>> <log:login-module-class></log:login-module-class>
>>                 </log:login-module>
>>             </log:login-config>
>>         </dep:xml-reference>
>>         <dep:reference name="ServerInfo">
>>             <dep:name>ServerInfo</dep:name>
>>         </dep:reference>
>>     </dep:gbean>
>>     <dep:gbean name="JottaCredentialStore"
>> class="">
>>         <dep:xml-attribute name="credentialStore">
>>             <cs:credential-store>
>>                 <cs:realm name="jotta-realm">
>>                     <cs:subject>
>>                         <cs:id>anonymous</cs:id>
>>                         <cs:credential>
>> <cs:type></cs:type>
>>                             <cs:value>anonymous</cs:value>
>>                         </cs:credential>
>>                         <cs:credential>
>> <cs:type></cs:type>
>>                             <cs:value>${geronimoPasswd}</cs:value>
>>                         </cs:credential>
>>                     </cs:subject>
>>                     <cs:subject>
>>                         <cs:id>system</cs:id>
>>                         <cs:credential>
>> <cs:type></cs:type>
>>                             <cs:value>system</cs:value>
>>                         </cs:credential>
>>                         <cs:credential>
>> <cs:type></cs:type>
>>                             <cs:value>${geronimoPasswd}</cs:value>
>>                         </cs:credential>
>>                     </cs:subject>
>>                 </cs:realm>
>>             </cs:credential-store>
>>         </dep:xml-attribute>
>>         <dep:reference name="Realms">
>>             <dep:name>jotta-realm</dep:name>
>>         </dep:reference>
>>        <dep:dependency>
>>             <dep:name>jotta-realm</dep:name>
>>         </dep:dependency>
>>     </dep:gbean>
>> </dep:module>
>> I can use this security configuration later from other EJB modules, also
>> deployed as plugins:
>> # plan.xml
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <application xmlns="
>>     xmlns:dep="";
>>     xmlns:nam="";
>>     xmlns:sec="";>
>>     <module>
>>         <ejb>crm-ejb-${jottaVersion}.jar</ejb>
>>         <openejb-jar xmlns="
>>             <dep:environment>
>>                 <dep:moduleId>
>>                     <dep:groupId>no.jotta.backup.crm</dep:groupId>
>>                     <dep:artifactId>crm-ejb</dep:artifactId>
>>                     <dep:version>${jottaVersion}</dep:version>
>>                     <dep:type>ejb</dep:type>
>>                 </dep:moduleId>
>>                 <dep:dependencies>
>>                     <dep:dependency>
>> <dep:groupId></dep:groupId>
>>                         <dep:artifactId>security-ejb</dep:artifactId>
>>                         <dep:version>${jottaVersion}</dep:version>
>>                         <dep:type>ejb</dep:type>
>>                     </dep:dependency>
>>                 </dep:dependencies>
>>             </dep:environment>
>>             <security use-context-handler="false">
>>                 <sec:credential-store-ref>
>>                     <dep:name>JottaCredentialStore</dep:name>
>>                 </sec:credential-store-ref>
>>                 <sec:role-mappings>
>>                     <sec:role role-name="admin">
>>                         <sec:principal name="admin"
>> class=""
>> />
>>                     </sec:role>
>>                     <sec:role role-name="anonymous">
>>                         <sec:principal name="anonymous"
>> class=""
>> />
>>                     </sec:role>
>>                     <sec:role role-name="customer">
>>                         <sec:principal name="customer"
>> class=""
>> />
>>                     </sec:role>
>>                     <sec:role role-name="system">
>>                         <sec:run-as-subject>
>>                             <sec:description>Allow internal components to
>> run as system</sec:description>
>>                             <sec:realm>jotta-realm</sec:realm>
>>                             <sec:id>system</sec:id>
>>                         </sec:run-as-subject>
>>                         <sec:login-domain-principal
>>                             name="system"
>>                             domain-name="jotta-admin"
>> class=""
>> />
>> You don't need the principal above, anything it maps to the "system" role
>> the principal below will also map.
> I did try a lot of different configurations but I think I only tried
> removing the principal below, not the one above. Will test without the
> principal above.
>>                         <sec:principal
>>                             name="system"
>> class=""
>> />
>>                     </sec:role>
>>                 </sec:role-mappings>
>>             </security>
>>             <enterprise-beans>
>>                 <session>
>>                     <ejb-name>jotta.crm.CustomerService</ejb-name>
>>                     <ejb-ref>
>>                         <!-- Reference to security service -->
>> <nam:ref-name>no.jotta.backup.crm.ejb.CustomerServiceImpl/userService</nam:ref-name>
>>                         <nam:pattern>
>>                             <nam:artifactId>security-ejb</nam:artifactId>
>> <nam:name></nam:name>
>>                         </nam:pattern>
>>                     </ejb-ref>
>>                 </session>
>>             </enterprise-beans>
>>         </openejb-jar>
>>     </module>
>> </application>
>> When the "jotta.crm.CustomerService" EJB calls the
>> "" it always runs as the "system" role, which is
>> what it is supposed to do. I also have a testsuite using remote EJB, and
>> from it I can log in manually using either the PropertiesFileLoginModule or
>> the JottaLoginModule. In other words the security configuration works as I
>> expect it to.
>> The problem comes when using this security setup from a WAR module. I have
>> a very simple web application that has a single servlet responsible for
>> gather the email addresses of interested customers. This servlet is supposed
>> to run as "system":
>> # web.xml
>> <web-app version="2.5" xmlns="";
>>     xmlns:xsi="";
>>     xsi:schemaLocation="
>>     metadata-complete="false">
>>     <description>
>>         Web application resposible for providing the Web Beta
>>         for customers of Jotta Backup.
>>     </description>
>>     <display-name>Jotta Web Beta</display-name>
>>     <!-- Can be run in a cluster, but does not require session replication
>> -->
>>     <distributable/>
>>     <welcome-file-list>
>>         <welcome-file>welcome</welcome-file>
>>     </welcome-file-list>
>>    .....
>>     <servlet>
>>         <description>Servlet providing interested customer
>> functionality</description>
>>         <display-name>Interested Customer Servlet</display-name>
>>         <servlet-name>InterestedCustomerServlet</servlet-name>
>>         <servlet-class>no.jotta.backup.
>> </servlet-class>
>>         <run-as>
>>             <description>Runs as system</description>
>>             <role-name>system</role-name>
>>         </run-as>
>>     </servlet>
>>     <servlet-mapping>
>>         <servlet-name>InterestedCustomerServlet</servlet-name>
>>         <url-pattern>/welcome</url-pattern>
>>     </servlet-mapping>
>>     <servlet-mapping>
>>         <servlet-name>InterestedCustomerServlet</servlet-name>
>>         <url-pattern>/welcome/</url-pattern>
>>     </servlet-mapping>
>>     <servlet-mapping>
>>         <servlet-name>InterestedCustomerServlet</servlet-name>
>>         <url-pattern>/register</url-pattern>
>>     </servlet-mapping>
>>     <servlet-mapping>
>>         <servlet-name>InterestedCustomerServlet</servlet-name>
>>         <url-pattern>/register/</url-pattern>
>>     </servlet-mapping>
>>     <!-- EJB Mappings -->
>>     <ejb-local-ref>
>>         <description>Reference to the Customer Service</description>
>>         <ejb-ref-name>customerService</ejb-ref-name>
>>         <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
>>         <local>no.jotta.backup.crm.intf.CustomerServiceLocal</local>
>>     </ejb-local-ref>
>>     <security-role>
>>         <role-name>anonymous</role-name>
>>     </security-role>
>>     <security-role>
>>         <role-name>system</role-name>
>>     </security-role>
>> </web-app>
>> Now I've been trying a lot of different plan.xml configurations to make
>> this work, but the one that we've been using for quite some time looked like
>> this:
>> # plan.xml
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <application xmlns="
>>     xmlns:dep="";
>>     xmlns:nam="";
>>     xmlns:sec="";>
>>     <module>
>>         <web>web-beta.war</web>
>>         <web-app xmlns="
>>             <context-root>/beta</context-root>
>>             <security-realm-name>jotta-realm</security-realm-name>
>>             <security use-context-handler="false">
>>                 <sec:credential-store-ref>
>>                     <dep:name>JottaCredentialStore</dep:name>
>>                 </sec:credential-store-ref>
>>                 <sec:default-subject>
>>                     <sec:realm>jotta-realm</sec:realm>
>>                     <sec:id>anonymous</sec:id>
>>                 </sec:default-subject>
>>                 <sec:role-mappings>
>>                     <sec:role role-name="anonymous">
>>                         <sec:login-domain-principal name="anonymous"
>> domain-name="jotta-admin"
>> class=""
>> />
>>                     </sec:role>
>>                     <sec:role role-name="system">
>>                         <sec:run-as-subject>
>>                             <sec:description>Allow internal components to
>> run as system</sec:description>
>>                             <sec:realm>jotta-realm</sec:realm>
>>                             <sec:id>system</sec:id>
>>                         </sec:run-as-subject>
>>                         <sec:login-domain-principal name="system"
>> domain-name="jotta-admin"
>> class=""
>> />
>> As with the ejb configuration, you don't need the first principal here,
>> anything it maps to the "system" role will also be mapped by the next
>> principal.
>>                         <sec:principal name="system"
>> class=""
>> />
>>                     </sec:role>
>>                 </sec:role-mappings>
>>             </security>
>>         </web-app>
>>     </module>
>> </application>
>> This used to work but no longer so. The servlet does not run as "system"
>> and access to the EJB is denied:
>> The default subject for the web app is anonymous, and there are no
>> security constraints, so the only possiblilty AFAICT is that the user
>> identity inside the servlet would be "anonymous".  The run-as role controls
>> what identity is used to call the ejb... which ought to be system, as the
>> run-as-role for the servlet is actually system.  I suspect this is what you
>> meant and that I'm nitpicking :-)
> Yes, I tried to remove the "default anonymous" role in case it was
> overriding the "run-as system" role. I found it was not. I did not actually
> check which, if any, role the servlet actually ran under. Will check that as
> well.
>> javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Unauthorized Access by Principal Denied
>> at
>> org.apache.openejb.core.stateless.StatelessContainer.invoke(
>> at
>> org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.EjbObjectProxyHandler.businessMethod(
>> at
>> org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.EjbObjectProxyHandler._invoke(
>> at
>> org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.BaseEjbProxyHandler.invoke(
>> The Geronimo source I'm running against is trunk from sometime on Thursday
>> last week (28th). I'm unable to build the current Geronimo trunk because of
>> the following error:
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Error assembling WAR: Deployment descriptor:
>> /home/jotta/dailybuild/geronimo/trunk/server_clean/plugins/activemq/activemq-webconsole/target/activemq-webconsole-2.2-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/web.xml
>> does not exist.
>> Does anyone have an idea what is going wrong here, or how I can make this
>> work again? I'll try to create a simple application that illustrates the
>> webapp run-as problem. Our application is rather complex and many things can
>> go wrong. It's probably also possible to switch back to Jetty6, any idea if
>> that would help?
>> Your help and work is much appreciated!
>> Trygve Hardersen
>> Jotta AS

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