I spent quite some time to look at this problem. I tested the JDK's behavior
and agree with David that the spec and RI together didn't do a good job to
explain the indication of "useCaches=false". Currently SUN JDK also returns
the same JarFile instance if "getJarFile()" is called upon the same
JarURLConnection whose "useCaches" is set false. This behavior is not
faithfully following the spec...

Anyway I created a patch and attached to the JIRA. It should apply to both
the 2.1 and 2.2 branches. I didn't take care of NestedJarFile &
UnpackedJarFile as I suppose they are not used by JarFileUrlConnection - I
did a little experiment, adding a hook in the JarFileUrlConnection to check
the type of JarFiles that are passed in. I started the server and deploy an
ear, and didn't see instances of NestedJarFile & UnpackedJarFile passed into
JarFileConnection. But I could miss something...


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Masayoshi Yamashita <ymstm...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello David,
> I did open a jira entry GERONIMO-4671.
> It seems that many class must be modified to fix this bug, so I'm
> sorry I cannot fix.
> At present, I temporarily solve by modifying my program.
> thanks,
> --------------------
> Masayoshi Yamashita

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