On Sep 4, 2009, at 6:06 AM, Quintin Beukes wrote:


I created an application client, security realm and configured all this to run. Now, I get prompted for a password, but when entering it incorrectly, the application merely exits. The callback is called before my main() method is called, so I have no way to intercept this, but I would have thought that the application client container which invokes the callback would at least give an X amount of tries, or infinite tries until I raise some type of exception out of the CallbackHandler.

I see your point :-)

Is there anyway to configure these things?

Not yet, but this is great idea! Could you at least open a jira issue asking for this functionality?

I suspect it wouldn't be too hard to implement.... if you would like to take a look and possibly submit a patch I think the relevant code is in plugins/client/geronimo-client, in the AppClientContainer class main method.

david jencks

Quintin Beukes

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