On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Russell Collins wrote:

When will Geronimo 2.2 be released?

I was hoping for last week :-)

What's left:

make sure latest openejb works and release it (no code changes expected) confirm small problems in activemq are fixed and release it ("any day now", they say) confirm recent tranql changes are working ok and release it (not sure if we've located a jdbc expert to review our list of non-fatal SQLCodes. What we have is an improvement, so we can release it if we can't find an expert) mark all the open 2.2 jira issues "wish list" unless someone fixes them real quick.

check the legal goo.

start trying to build a release.

So, I hope next week we'll be able to vote.

david jencks

Russell Collins
Sr. Software Engineer
McLane Advanced Technology

"Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda

-----Original Message-----
From: David Blevins [mailto:david.blev...@visi.com]
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 3:05 PM
To: user@geronimo.apache.org
Subject: Re: ejb pool stays at 20 threads?

Hi Eric,

The PoolSize number you adjusted is for the stateless container and
affects the number of stateless bean instances we will instantiate and
keep ready for method invocations.  You want to adjust the
EJBNetworkService 'threads' attribute as shown below:

On Sep 19, 2009, at 11:04 AM, ericp56 wrote:

from config.xml:

  <module name="org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb/2.1.3/car">
      <gbean name="EJBNetworkService">
          <attribute name="port">${OpenEJBPort + PortOffset}</
          <attribute name="host">${ServerHostname}</attribute>
            <attribute name="threads">100</attribute>
      <gbean name="DefaultStatelessContainer">
          <attribute name="properties">

And just as a general note, the performance of the remote client code
in the coming Geronimo 2.2 is *way* faster.  If you're able to
upgrade, I'd check it out.


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