Thank you David.  I was not aware that there would not be full ejb 3.1 support 
with this release.  Is there a list of ejb 3.1 features that are implemented?  
I do not believe singletons is one of them.

From: David Jencks []
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: Geronimo - EJB3.1 - Eclipse

AFAIK geronimo 2.2 supports ejb 3.0, ejb 3.1 support is in progress for 
geronimo 3.0.  I know there are some features already implemented, and I 
thought singletons were among the implemented features.  However you shouldn't 
expect full ejb 3.1 compliance from geronimo 2.2.

david jencks

On Jan 8, 2010, at 5:46 PM, Russell Collins wrote:

Please bear with me as this may be long.  I am trying to be as thorough as 
possible.  I have upgraded my development environment and projects to use 
Geronimo 2.2.  I was able to successfully replace the 2.1 server with the 2.2 
server in my development environment.  Everything compiled and went smooth from 
that standpoint (Good job guys).  When trying to run unit tests from an outside 
client, errors started to appear.  This was to be expected because I was still 
using the openejb-client-3.0.1 assembly.  When I updated the assembly to 
openejb-client-3.1.2, everything worked as expected (once again, great job).  
By updating this, I was certain that the Geronimo 2.2 tool was using the EJB 
3.1 specification.

I then proceeded to try to use some of the new EJB 3.1 features.  More 
specifically, the Singleton.  I changed one of the annotations for my EJBs to 
Singleton and immediately got an error.  I then checked the classpath to make 
sure I was pointing to the correct Geronimo installation.  I was.  In viewing 
the library assemblies in my project, I did not see anything that looked like a 
EJB 3.1 assembly underneath the Apache Geronimo 2.2 library.  The only assembly 
that I found is titled: geronimo-ejb_3.0_spec-1.0.1.jar.  I went to that 
assembly and opened up the jar file.  I did see implementation classes for 
Stateful and Stateless but I did not see one for Singleton as I had expected.  
I do not know if this is a GEP issue or a Geronimo Server issue.  In summary, 
it appears that the running server is using EJB 3.1 but when referencing the 
library during development time, it is only using the 3.0 specification.  Can 
someone help me out with this?

Russell Collins
Sr. Software Engineer
McLane Advanced Technology

"Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda

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